Build The Right Fencing For Horses
by: Clay, Jackie
Fencing tools, fence posts, anchor posts and braces, stringing wire fence,
jackleg fence, fencing large and small pastures, fencing corrals and paddocks,
training pens, the three most common fencing problems. 32 pgs.
c. 1999, Booklet...$3.95
Building or Renovating a Small Barn for Your Horse
by: Jackie Clay
Fundamentals of building for horses, tips & techniques for remodling,
building a simple run-in shelter, designing the layout for a small barn
renovation, roofing, building a stall, providing food & water in the barn,
finishes to preserve your horse shelter. 32 pgs.
c. 1999...Booklet...$3.95
Complete Guide to Buying, Maintaining & Servicing a Horse Trailer
by: Scheve, Neva Kittrell
The first and only book for both owners and buyers of horse trailers.
It's a resource that gives prospective buyers, faced with hundreds of
models to choose from, the means to make the right choice. It's a manual
that gives current owners information on maintaining and caring for their
trailers. This authoritative book, with more than 175 illustrations, addresses
a number of important topics, including how to: * Determine whether to
buy a new or a used trailer. * Ask the right questions of the dealer or
owner. * Weigh the options and select the best model for your needs. *
Evaluate tow vehicles and hitches. * Master pre-trip preparations.* Care
for your current trailer. * Load, drive, and use a trailer safely. * Deal
with typical exterior, interior, electrical and mechanical problems. *
Assess the work of repairmen if the job is more than you can handle.
c. 1998, S/C...$20.95
Complete Plans For Building Horse Barns Big & Small
by: Ambrosiano, Nancy
The detail of 18 actual barns are examined, ranging in complexity from
the simplest sun shed to an eight horse barn with a spacious home overhead.
The practical advice includes detailed drawings, material lists, advice
on environmental and zoning concerns, planning site location, and preparation.
B/W photos & illustrations. 247 pages.
c. 1997, 2nd Ed, H/C...$39.95
Equine Arena Handbook: Developing A User-Friendly Facility
by: Malmgren, Robert
Building & maintaining an equine arena involves major expense. Before
you invest in building, improving, or maintaining your arena, buy this
book. Learn the importance of a good base, create good & safe footing,
learn about arena maintenance & dust management, proper drainage and much
more. B/W photos. 126 pgs.
c. 1999, S/C...$17.95
Equipping Your Horse Farm: Tractors, Trailers, Trucks & More
by: Hill, Cherry & Klimesh, Richard
An in-depth look at every aspect of selecting, maintaining, and using
tractors and horse trailers. Accompanied by photos & illustrations,
the authors guide you through an evaluation of the options available in
tractors, from horsepower & transmission to tires & appearance.
A checklist is included detailing what to look for if buying a used tractor.
You will learn the kind of trucks and hookups required for towing various
capacity trailers. Discussed are: floorplans, loading entry, suspension,
and accomodations for horses and owners. Also included is information
on smaller farm implements: loaders, spreaders, harrows, mowers, hay balers,
wagons and more. B/W photos & illustrations. 181 pgs.
c. 2006, S/C...$19.95
Field Management (Threshold Picture Guides #8)
by: Watson, Mary Gordon
Management of paddocks & fencing, including: poisonous plants, palatable
grasses and herbs, field care, safe and secure fencing, gates, haymaking,
grazing management, shelter and sheds, water. Color illustrations. 24
c. 1994, Booklet...$12.95
Fields & Fencing (Threshold #8)
by: Watson, Mary
Step-by-step guide to the management of horse paddocks & fencing.
c. 1988, Booklet... $12.00
Horse Housing: How To Plan, Build, And Remodel Barns And Sheds
by: Klimesh, Richard & Hill, Cherry
Whether building a new barn or improving an existing one, this is the
perfect guide. From finding the best building site to choosing stall latches,
this is chock full of how-to tips. It explains in detail which materials
are good to use around horses, and how good lighting, flooring, and ventilation
make a big difference to both horses and people. And it goes beyond theory
-- offering information, like how to estimate concrete and shingle a new
roof or replace an old one. The book contains 16 plans, an extensive directory
for locating services needed for barn construction, and a glossary of
more than 300 terms to help demystify the building process. Color photos.
201 pgs.
c. 2002, H/C...$29.95
Roofs & Rails (Western Horseman)
by: Ehringer, Gavin
How to plan and build your ideal horse facility. Building type & site,
construction styles, siding, roofs, floors, bedding, climate control,
lights & wiring, plumbing, storage & wash area, pens & corrals, fence
materials, hiring a builder, and assorted plans.B/W photos & illustrations.
143 pgs.
c. 1995, S/C... $14.95
Stables & Shelters (Threshold Picture Guides #13)
by: Webber, Toni
Straightforward advice on stables and field shelters for horses and ponies.
Includes: Stable types, suitable site, layout & size, stable fittings,
flooring, tack rooms, hay storage, maintenance. Color illustrations. 24
c. 1994, 2nd Ed, Booklet...$12.95
Towing Horse Trailers (Allen Photographic Guides)
by: Henderson, John
Brief, concise, and filled with helpful photos, this introductory guide
provides essential information on towing horse trailers - Buying a trailer,
hitching up, horse travelling wear, loading, on the road. 24 pgs.
c. 1996, Booklet... $12.00
Truckin & Trailerin (Western Horseman)
by: Ehringer, Gavin
A guide to selecting, hauling, and maintaining a tow vehicle and horse
trailer. Color photos. 36 pgs.
c. 2004, Booklet...$10.00