Horse Books - Equine Research Books

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Equine Research, Inc. has been proud to serve the horse industry for over 30 years, publishing the books for horse people everywhere—from classics to contemporary. Their specialty is explaining vital information for maintaining your horses' health and performance in easy-to-understand terms. This a highly respected collection of eight books that should form the foundation of every horse person's bookshelf.

Breeding Management & Foal Development

Everything you need to know, from stallion management, breeding plans, artificial insemination, etc., through the foal's first year, is in this comprehensive reference. It is recognized as the foremost text in its field, and you have the confidence of knowing you are relying on the combined knowledge of many leading experts! The book is thorough, well organized, profusely illustrated, and easy to read. It's also indexed and cross-referenced so you can locate vital information quickly. Subjects include: Stallion and Broodmare Management; Breeding Methods & Procedures; Avoiding & Curing Infections; Artificial Insemination; Embryo Transfer; Understanding & Avoiding Abortion; Horse Farm Design; Keeping Breeding Records; Breeding Contracts; Economics of Horse Breeding; Recognizing Normal & Abnormal Foaling; Developing Foals Properly; Caring for Orphan Foals; and Much More! 720 pgs.
c. 1982, H/C... $85.00

Conditioning To Win

For many years this book has been considered a basic and required training manual for all serious horse people. It thoroughly covers fundamental methods and techniques, exercise physiology, and conditioning needs. It provides the information you need to properly address the physical and mental needs of all ages and types of horses. The book contains many photos, and informative interviews from known equine professionals. 320 pgs.
c. 1974, H/C... $38.00

Equine Genetics & Selection Procedures

This book provides the modern principles of genetics of the horse in an interesting, useful, easy-to-read presentation. It contains fascinating details of successful selection methods used by leaders in the horse industry. This is combined with information about powerful techniques based on solid scientific research. This book will help you select superior horses for breeding, racing, or showing. This is important reading for all horse people, and essential for breeders. 542 pgs.
c.1978, H/C... $65.00

Equine Lameness
by: King, Christine

Everything you ever wanted to know about lameness in horses can be found in this book. In a clear, easy-to-read style, this book explains the causes, signs, diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses of all conditions causing lameness or gait abnormality. It is carefully detailed, with hundreds of photos, x-rays, drawings, and charts and all of the most current information. This book was written by highly skilled equine veterinarians who are also exceptional writers. All technical terms are carefully explained and/or illustrated, so you will not be confused. Plus, the book has an extensive appendix, glossary, and index. 1022 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C... $85.00

Feeding To Win

This book was NOT written for the benefit of the horseman who wants to "get by" - is was written for the serious horseman - the one who truely cares for the welfare of his horse, whether it is for winning a 4H project or for winning the Kentucky Derby. The information is presented in definitve scientific terminology, sound enough to satisy the most competent nutritionist. Contents: Digestive system, qualitative & qunatitative nutruent requirements, water, vitamins, minerals, energy, grains, types of feed,feed bag labels, processing of feeds, hays, pasturing horses, good feeding management, nutrition & veterinary care, labroatory analysis, digestive disturbances, internal parasites, teeth & digestion, feeding problems, appetite, the art & science of feeding. B/W photos. 314 pgs.
c. 1973, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New

Illustrated Veterinary Encyclopedia For Horsemen
by: Vale, M.M.

Chapters on: the disease process, the foot, pastern, fetlock, cannon, knee, forearm, elbow, hock, gaskin, stifle, shoulder, withers, back, barrel, hindquarters, head & neck, skin & hair, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, urinary system, nrevous system, reprodcutive system, systemic disorders, wounds, drugs, & treatments. B/W drawings & photos. 727 pgs.
c. 1977, H/C...$85.00

Veterinary Manual For The Performance Horse
by: Loving, Nancy DVM

This volume is a complete guide for improving the performance, health care and preventing injury for the equine athlete. The book offers information on: conformation, evaluation, conditioning, stronger muscles and bones, avoiding fatigue, improving breathing, evaluating fitness, successful training methods and causes of poor performance. Topics also discussed include: the use of medications; high-tech therapy for injury; managing chronic lameness; and avoiding laminitis, collic, tying up and navicular. 608 pgs.
c. 1993, H/C... $75.00

Veterinary Treatments & Medications For Horsemen
by: Adams, H. Richard

A step-by-step guide for treating illness and injury, and for providing important routine health care. It has everything from "The Importance of Good Health Records" to "Drugs & Related Topics." You'll easily learn the procedures every horse owner should know, from the basics to life-saving. Includes bandaging, injections, first aid procedures, parasite control, and all kinds of therapies. It contains hundreds of "how to" photos and illustrations. This text is designed bridge the gap between what you can do to save your horse and what the veterinarian must do. 612 pgs.
c.1977, H/C... $75.00



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