Since the
1973 publication of Storeys first Country Wisdom Bulletin, their
commitment to preserving the arts, crafts, and skills of country life
has never wavered. They now have more than 200 titles in this series of
32-page publications, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common
desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence
in everyday life. Storeys Country Wisdom Bulletins contain practical,
hands-on instructions designed to help you master dozens of country living
skills quickly and easily. From traditional skills to the newest techniques,
Storeys Bulletins provide a foundation of earth-friendly information
for the way you want to live today.
The Bulletins listed below are from their Equine category.
Build The Right Fencing For Horses
by: Clay, Jackie
Fencing tools, fence posts, anchor posts and braces, stringing wire fence,
jackleg fence, fencing large and small pastures, fencing corrals and paddocks,
training pens, the three most common fencing problems. 32 pgs.
c. 1999, Booklet...$3.95
Building or Renovating a Small Barn for Your Horse
by: Clay, Jackie
Fundamentals of building for horses, tips & techniques for remodling,
building a simple run-in shelter, designing the layout for a small barn
renovation, roofing, building a stall, providing food & water in the
barn, finishes to preserve your horse shelter. 32 pgs.
c. 1999, Booklet...$3.95
Buying & Selling a Horse
by: Hill, Cherry
Criteria for selection, pre-purchase agreement & exam, paperwork.
32 pgs.
c. 1991, Booklet...$3.95
Hoof Care for Horses
by: Heymering, Henry, CJF, RMF
Prevention, hoof care glossary, cleaning hooves, finding a good hoof care
professional, holding a horse during shoeing or trimming, evaluating a
trimming or shoeing job, common shoe problems, common hoof wall problems,
sole & frog conditions, internal hoof diseases. 32 pgs.
c. 2001, Booklet...$3.95
Keeping Your Old Horse Feeling Young
by: Jahiel, Jessica
Purchasing an older horse, maintaining an older horse, recognizing signs
of aging, feeding, water intake, general care, riding an older horse,
maintaining basic fitness, retirement, quality of life, euthanasia, resources.
32 pgs.
c. 2001, Booklet...$3.95
Tack: Care & Cleaning
by: Hill, Cherry
Selection, storage, tack room construction, leather, nylon, hardware,
blankets, ropes, grooming tools. 32 pgs.
c. 1991, Booklet...$3.95