African Pygmy Hedgehogs As Your New Pet
by: Kelsey-Wood, Dennis
Introducing the hedgehog, choosing a hedgehog, lifestyles, housing, feeding,
breeding, healthcare. Superb color photos. 160 pgs.
c.1995...H/C...$17.95 |
Complete Hedgehog
by: Stocker, Les
Fully illustrated magical book presents all the fascinating facts and
figures about the hedgehog's history, mythology, diet, habits, and habitat,
along with practical advice on how to un-roll a hedgehog, what to do about
orphaned hedgehogs, and how to treat casualties. Published in Great Britain.
B/W photos. 176 pgs.
c.1987...S/C...$29.95 |
Cult Of The Hedgehog
by: Kelsey-Wood, Dennis
Natural history, species, nutrition, housing, breeding, cannibalism/abandonment
& hand-rearing, health, the North American Hedgehog Association, with
a special emphasis on the African Pygmy hedgehog. Color photos. 192 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C...$35.95 |
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hedgehogs
by: Storer, Pat
Taxonomy, physiology, raising, health, breeding, housing, babies.
c.1994...S/C, Rev, 3rd Ed...$23.00 |
Guide To Owning An African Pygymy Hedgehog
by: Kelsey-Wood, Dennis
Covers everything aspect of hedgehog care from housing to feeding, breeding,
exhibition, taming, handling, and health care. Color photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1997, S/C...$6.95
Hedgehog (Mammal Society)
by: Morris, Pat
Habitat, food, hibernation, activity, behavior, breeding, parasites, conservation.
c.1994...S/C...$9.50 |
Hedgehog (Shire Natural History)
by: Morris, P.A.
Hedgehog behavior, home range, food, breding, survival.
c.1988...Booklet...$4.00 |
Hedgehog: An Owner's Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet
by: Wrobel, Dawn & Brown, Susan DVM
Happy, Healthy Pet guides focus on different kinds of pets, the emphasis
remains on making the pet a companion. In addition, owners of more unusual
pets will particularly appreciate the expert advice in these books because
professional care for their animals may be difficult to come by. As always,
the instruction is from experts. Chapters: Hedgehogs as pets, grooming,
nutrition, keeping hedgehogs healthy, socializing, folktales myths &
mysteries. The book is filled with informative sidebars and fun facts.
Loaded with color photos. 126 pgs.
c.1997...H/C...$12.95 |
Hedgehog Primer
by: Means-Burleson, Antigone Ph. D.
Everything you need to know about the basic care of pet African hedgehogs.
A great book for beginners or experienced hedgehog enthusiasts. Housing,
environment, feeding, exercise, bedding, cage accessories, finding a vet,
behavior, health, breeding, hedgehog crafts. B/W photos. 77 pgs.
c. 2003, S/C...$10.95 |
Hedgehog's Dilemma
by: Warwick, Hugh
A tale of obsession, nostalgia and the world's most charming mammal. A
hilarious, sweet and entertaining quest to discover what makes hedgehogs
so universally appealing. The author, an environmental writer and photorapher,
tracks hedgehogs across the globe, visiting the shingle beaches of Dungeness,
the green shores of Uist and the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to try to
understand the surprisingly deep-rooted affection we have for hedgehogs.
279 pages
c. 2008, H/C...$25.00
Hedgehogs: A Comprehensive Study
by: Herter, Konard
Hedgehogs is a book for general reader, generously illustrated with photographs
many of which have been taken specially by the author. Has great facts
about the family's of hedgehogs. 70 photographs and line drawings and
figures. 69 pages.
c. 1963, H/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
by: Morris, Pat
Evolution, species, anatomy, behavior, reproduction, as pets, rearing
c.1994...H/C, Rev...$18.95 |
Hedgehogs As Pets
by: Storer, Pat
Chapters on: Buying, housing, feeding, handling, behavior, health, diseases,
breeding. B/W photos. 120 pgs.
c.1994...S/C...$18.00 |
Hedgehogs In Your Garden?
by: Mammal Society
Hogisms, characteristics, fleas, food, offspring, in the garden, housing.
17 pgs.
Hedgehogs: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
by: Vriends, Matthew
Chapters on: Selection, housing, care & management, taming, feeding
& diet, breeding, hand rearing, behavior, medical care, and a special
chapter on understanding hedgehogs. B/W drawings & color photos. 87
c.1995...S/C...$6.95 |
Hedgehogs: Poyser Natural History
by: Reeve, Nigel
Defense, feeding, breeding, hibernation, vet info on parasites & diseases,
c.1994...H/C...$42.50 |
Little Book Of Hedgehogs
by: Trafalgar Square Press
An amazing and diverting collection of quotes, prose and poetry about hedgehogs
to amuse and delight. 56 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$7.50
Natural Hedgehog
by: Sykes, Lenni
Habits, care using homeopathy treatments, other complimentary therapies.
c.1995...H/C...$26.95 |