A Falconry Manual
by: Beebe, Frank L.
A comprehensive, extensively updated version of Beebe's 1976 book, Hawks
Falcons and Falconry. Provides all the essential information to become
a falconer. Drawing on nearly fifty years' experience as one of North
America's most famed falconers, field researcher and pioneer falcon breeder,
Beebe presents the essential biology and field behaviour to understand
the hunting hawk and how to catch them. He guides us through the falcon
and hawk training process so you can own a healthy, mutually rewarding
field companion. Includes instructions and patterns for making your own
falconry equipment. B/W photos & illustrations. 197 pgs.
c. 1984, S/C...$16.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good
A Field Guide To The Birds Of North America
by: Vanner, Michael
Identification & information guide on 180 of the commonest species
that are either native to North America or regular visitors to these shores.
Concise physical descriptions are given for each bird, both at rest and
at flight, and destinctive behavior patterns are also detailed. Birdsong
can also be key to identification and this has also been included where
relevant. Distribution maps, color photos. 256 pgs.
c. 2006, S/C...$9.95
A Photographic Guide To North American Raptors
by: Wheeler, Brian K & Clerk, William S
Whether soaring or perched, diurnal birds of prey often present challenging
identification problems for the bird enthusiast. Variable plumage, colour
morphs, and unique individual characteristics are just some of the factors
bird watchers must consider when identifying the different species. In
this authoritative reference, two of the world's top experts on raptors
provide an essential guide to the variations in the species, allowing
for easier recognition of key identification points. All the distinguishing
marks described have been exhaustively tested in a wide range of field
conditions by the authors as well as the colleagues and students who have
learned from them. Key Features: * The only complete photographic guide
to North American diurnal birds of prey * Includes all species, common
and rare * Written by well-known experts/authors of the best-selling previous
guide * Contains 365 photographs, each with an explanatory caption and
supporting text describing all 43 species of diurnal raptors found in
North America * Features 14 discussions of specific problems in practical
identification * Complete set showing every plumage * Raptor I.D. problem
section showing similar species side by side. 198 pgs
c. 1995, H/C... $49.95
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
An Eagle Named Freedom
by: Guidry, Jeff
A true story of a remarkable frienship. From the momenet the author saw
the emaciated baby eagle with broken wings, his life was changed. For
weeks he and the staff at Sarvey Wildlife Care Center tended to the grievously
injured bird. Miraculously, she recovered, and Jeff, a center volunteer,
became her devoted caretaker. Though Freedom would never fly, she had
Jeff as her wings. And after Jeff was diagnosed with stage 3 non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma in 2000, Freedom returned the gift. Between sessions of debilitating
chemotherapy, Jeff went back to Sarvey and began taking Freedom for walks
that soothed his spirit and gave him the strength to fight. When he learned
he was cancer free, Jeff's first stop was Sarvey to walk with Freedom.
A tender tale of hope, love, trust, and life, this moving true story is
an affirmation of the spiritual connection that humans and animals share.
212 pages
c. 2010, H/C...$21.99
An Eagle To The Sky
by: Hamerstrom, Frances
The only woman to train & fly a golden eagle. The only woman
to share a nest with a golden eagle. Wildlife biologist Frances Hamerstrom
writes a fascinating account of her experiences with two eagles, one called
Nancy the other, Chrys. B/W photos. 137 pgs.
c. 1970, S/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
An Introduction To Malayan Birds
by: Madoc, G C
General info on types of country, feeding habits, sizes of birds, striking
colors, notable fliers, gregarious birds, & notable songsters. Over
100 species are fully described: trens, gulls, waterfowl, game birds,
pigeons, birds of prey parrots, hornbills, woodpeckers, songbirds, &
more. Nearly 100 line drawings, 18 B/W photographs. 234 pgs.
c. 1956, H/C...$75.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good
An Owl Came To Stay
by: Rome, Claire
An absorbing account of how the author created a foster-home for injured
and orphaned owls - and won a degree of acquaintanceship with her charges
that few human beings can heave been privileged to achieve. This books
covers six years of the authors life and many birds that pass through
her care.144 pages. B/W illustrations by the author.
c. 1979, H/C...$12.50
Used, Quantities Limited
Condition: VG w/dust cover, inscription on
inside front page
An Owl in the House: A Naturalist's Diary
by: Heinrich, Bernd & Calaprice, Alice
A field journal tracking the development of a great horned owlet, rescued
in the wild, as it grows into an independent hunter able to survive in
its own habitat. Includes: a special section on what to do if you find
a baby bird; tips on how to keep your own journal; & original B/W
drawings & photos. 119 pgs.
c. 1990, H/C, (Regular Price $14.95)...$12.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good with dust jacket, ex-library,
usual library markings
Australian Birds of Prey
by: Olsen, Penny
With more than 300 dramatic color photographs and detailed illustrations
by noted wildlife artists, Australian Birds of Prey is the ultimate guide
to the ecology, predation, and behavior of these majestic animals. n describing
Australia's twenty-four species of birds of prey, Olsen relates their
complex biology to the continent's unique geography and ecology. She explains
why species such as the Nankeen Kestrel and Brown Falcon can range widely
from coastal cliffs and river valleys to arid grasslands and wooded hillsides.
She describes why others, such as the Red Goshawk, Pacific Baza, and Brahminy
Kite, have ranges dramatically limited by their dependence on particular
habitats and types of prey. Throughout, she focuses of important conservation
issues that affect the well-being of raptors in the wild. She also describes
their interactions with humans and recent advances in the care of sick
and captive birds. Beautifully illustrated and uniquely authoritative,
Australian Birds of Prey is a must for all ornithologists and bird lovers
-- and for anyone with an interest in the wonders of Australia. 240 pgs.
Autumn of the Eagle
by: Laycock, George
American Bald Eagle's noble past and threatened future. 240 pgs.
c. 1973, H/C...$7.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good, Ex-library, usual library
Bald Eagle Handbook
by: Wright, Larry
A guide to watching wintering American bald eagles in the St. Louis area.
It was written strictly with one thought in mnid, to help eagle watchers,
whether first-timers or seasoned eagle-ogglers, to enjoy the fun and sport
of eagle watching. Contains self-guide eagle maps of St. Charles County
MO, Madison County IL, Calhoun County IL, and Jersey County IL. B/W illustrations,
maps. 73 pgs.
c. 1996, S/C...$9.95
Beak To Beak
by: Crawford, Walter C. Jr.
A collection of life experiences and lessons from nature from the man
they call "The Birdman". Walter C. Crawford, Jr., founder and
executive director of the World Bird Sanctuary located just outside St.
Louis, MO. 80 pages, B/W photos
c. 2009, S/C ... $10.00
Birds Of America
Edited by the National Audubon Society
Identification & information book on the birds of America. Covers
Orders: Diving birds; Long-winged swimmers; Tube-nosed swimmers; Totipalmated
swimmers; Lamellirostral swimmers; Flamingos; Heron, Storks & Ibis;
Marsh-Dwellers; Shore birds; Gallinaceous birds; Pigeons & Doves;
Birds of Prey; Parrot-like birds; Cuckoos; Woodpeckers; Goatsuckers &
Swifts; Perching birds. B/W photos & illustrations. 106 Color plates.
832 pgs.
c. 1917, 1936, H/C...$125.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good
Birds of Prey
by: Ovington, Ray
In text, drawings and color illustrations, this book describes birds
of prey - eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, kites and vultures - and discusses
the importance of these birds and their function within ecosystems. 64
c. 1995, 2nd Ed, Rev, Booklet... $5.00
Birds Of Prey
by: Scholz, Flotd
Visual reference for North American raptors examines 17 hawks, falcons,
eagles, and osprey. Floyd Schulz took up bird carving in the 1970's and
was frustrated by the lack of close-up, detailed reference photographs,
so he teamed up with photographer Tad Merrick. This book also contains
species information and artistic instruction. A must-have volume for carvers,
painters and others interested in these magnificent birds. 500 color photos.
318 pgs.
c. 1993, H/C...$59.95
Birds of Prey (American Nature Guide)
by: Burton, Philip
North American Birds - habitat, habits, breeding, nesting, migration,
behavior, size, range.
Birds of Prey In Flying Demonstrations: Management Guidelines for
The Welfare Of Zoo Animals
by: Parry-Jones, J.
Biology, enclosures, boundry, furnishings & maintenance, environment,
diet, feeding, water, breeding, handling, catching, restraining, transporting,
safety, social structure, conservation. 12 pgs.
c. 2000, 2nd ed, S/C, Spiral...$16.95
Birds of Prey of the World
by: Grossman, Mary Louise & Hamlet, John
Chapters on: prehistory, birds of prey and man, ecology and habits, designs
for survival, conservation, order falconiformes, order strigiformes, regional
guides. Several color plates, hundreds of B/W photos & illustrations,
range maps. Oversize book. 496 pgs.
c. 1964, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-of-Print, Quantities Limited
Birds of Prey: Natrual History & Conservation of North American Raptors
by: Snyder, Noel & Helen
Introduction to the biology of 34 species of diurnal raptors.
Birds Of The Wetlands
by: Hancock, James
Briefly describes one major wetland area on every continent in the world.
Covers: herons, storks, ibises, spoonbills, anhingas, cormorants, small
waders & birds of prey. Color photographs. 152 pgs.
c. 1984, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Captive Birds In Health & Disease
by: Cooper, John FRCVS
Covers: Gamebirds, raptors, parrots, waterfowl & other species. Captive
bird biology, health versus disease, types of disease, use of medicines
& disinfectants, accidents & emergency care, a veterinary vade mecum,
legislation for bird-keepers. B/W photos, illustrations, charts. 132 pgs.
c. 2003, H/C...$34.95
Compleat Falconer
by: Beebe, Frank L.
The best known falconer and falconry, Frank Beebe, gives a detailed guide
of how to train a hawk or falcon, a summary of the brids biology and how
to generally manage the bird in captivity. Over 30 plates in color showing
all the common species in action. Nearly 200 line illustrations. Over
300 pgs.
Complete Owl
by: Leach, Michael
History, mythology, diet, habits, habitat, future, practical advice, species.
Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World
by: Brown, Leslie & Amadon, Dean
The information is presented in two parts. The first is a series of introductory
chapters covering taxonomy, morphology, senses, flight, hunting methods,
food and feeding, migration, various aspects of the breeding cycle, economics
and relations with man, including falconry. There follow generic and species
accounts in systematic order. Each species account follows the same pattern.
It begins with a brief statement of the range and the broad ecology of
the species. Then follows a fairly full description of adults and immatures
of the best-known race of any species. Then brief notes on the range and
particular characters of other subspecies, including maps. A section on
field characteristics, voice and general habits is next, then details
of food and feeding, followed by breeding habits. Eight artists have prepared
the illustrations. A 2 volume set totaling 945 pages.
c. 1968, H/C, 2 Volumes... $145.00 Good, Ex-Lib with usual markings,
cover showing signs of wear, inside VG 04000911
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good, Ex-Library with usual library
markings, cover showing signs of wear, inside Very Good
by: Blaine, Gilbert
Species of falcons & hawks, equipment, education of the young eyass, waiting
on, hooding, daily management, game hawking, moulting, common ailments
& simple remedies, advice. 253 pgs.
c. 1936, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Falconry (Shire Album)
by: Ford, Emma
Falcon history, equipment, conservation, breeds.
c. 1984, Booklet, $4.00
Falconry & Birds Of Prey In The Gulf (Arabian Heritage Series)
by: Remple, David & Gross, Christian
A fscainating & exciting insight into falconry in the Arabian Gulf
- one of the last major regions of the world where its traditions are
still very much alive today. It describes the different aspects of the
sport as it is practiced in this area, including the quarry, the capture
& training of falcons, & the developments in modern days. The
stage is then set for the actual hunt, magnificently illustrated with
action photogrpahs. The book introdcues the other birds of prey that occur
in the Gulf area, their special characteristics & their classifications.
104 pgs.
c. 1993, S/C...$17.50
Falconry & Hawking
by: Glasier, Phillip
Covers all aspects of falconry from its history and development to training,
housing, tools, equipment and skills. Chapters on:handling the new arrival,
condition, manning and early training, flying free and getting fit, flying
falcons out of the hood, flying shortwings, game hawking, moulting, lost
hawks, hack and hacking back, dogs for hawking, making hoods, belts, bags
and gloves. The author also gives complete details of all the birds most
commonly used and reveals their character and individual temperaments.
352 pages over 170 photos and diagrams.
c. 1998, Third Edition, H/C (Regular Price $49.95)...$35.00
Used, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/dust jacket, ex-library
with usual markings
Falconry Art & Practice
by: Ford, Emma
This stunningly full guide, by an experienced teacher and trainer, covers
every aspect of falconry in voluminous detail. Construct a weather-proof
shelter, feed your hawk the correct diet, and get health tips so you can
quickly recognize if anything s awry. Carefully keyed diagrams show
you how to field and clip a falcon s beak, and tend to its talons
and feathers. Master hooding, setting out lures, test flights, fitness
for hunting, imprinting, and working with dogs. 200 pgs.
c.1995...S/C, Rev...$17.95
Falconry For You
by: Evans, Humphrey
Chapters on: Hawks suitable for falconry, Which hawk would suit you best,
Equipment, Acquisition, Starting, Training, Feeding, Health, A lost hawk,
Moulting, Hunting. B/W photo plates. 206 pgs.
c. 1960, H/C...$12.50
Used, Out-of-Print, Quantities Limited
by: Village, Andrew
Breeds, habitat, study of, food, hunting, breeding, migration, nestboxes.
Falcons & Falconry
by: Illingworth, Frank
Chapters on: Which hawk to have, equipment & its use in training: shed,
gauntlet, glove, jesses, leash, bells, hood, free flight-operation hack,
mews or hawk-house, hood, imping needle, block, swivel, perch, knot, bath,
creance, bag, scales. Breeds covered: Mistress Merlin, Hobby Hawk, Kestrel,
Peregrine, Artic Gyr, Sparrowhawk, Goshawk, Eagle. B/W photos. 127 pgs.
c. 1964, 2nd Ed, H/C...$9.95
Used, Out-of-Print, Quantities Limited
Falcons & Falconry
by: Illingworth, Frank
Chapters on: Which hawk to have, equipment & its use in training: shed,
gauntlet, glove, jesses, leash, bells, hood, free flight-operation hack,
mews or hawk-house, hood, imping needle, block, swivel, perch, knot, bath,
creance, bag, scales. Breeds covered: Mistress Merlin, Hobby Hawk, Kestrel,
Peregrine, Artic Gyr, Sparrowhawk, Goshawk, Eagle. B/W photos.
c. 1975, 4th Ed, H/C...$9.95
Used, Out-of-Print, Quantities Limited
Flight To Freedom
by: Durden, Kent
A follow-up to "Gifts of an Eagle", a golden eagle's transformation
to wild.
c. 1974, H/C...$7.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Flying Free
by: True, Dan
The remarkable true story of an eagle that disproved the myth that a bird
raised by man can never fly free. B/W photos. 163 pgs.
c.1984, H/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Near Mint with dust jacket, Name
in front cover