Following The Pack: The World Of Wolf Research
by: Link, Mike
Sheds light on wolf studies -- both past & present -- & on the
lives of researchers who have devoted themselves to this endeavor. The
20 biologists from 10 countries who are featured constantly struggle to
balance their research with the political, economic, & cultural realities
surrounding the wolves they study. Includes first-person interviews &
personal accounts of extraordinary encounters, & it accompanies scientists
on their day-to-day field work. Includes an overview of wolf research
over the past 60 years. Features the following wolves: gray, arctic, red,
Mexican, & Iberian. A 16-page photo section identifies researchers.
200 pgs.
c.1994, H/C...$9.95
Foxes (Mammal Society Series)
by: Harris, Stephen
Distribution, behavior, breeding, maturing, parasites, communication,
signs. 20 pgs.
Foxes, Wolves, Jackals & Dogs: Action Plan For Conservation Of Canids
by: Ginsberg & MacDonald
Species, captive breeding & reintroduction, predation, disease. 116 pgs.
Free Spirit
by: Chambers, Michael
The true story of a vixen befriended by the author as an orphaned cub,
who as an adult fox repaid that friendship by staying with the author's
family for over a four year period, despite their willingness to let her
go free. 239 pgs.
God's Dog: A Celebration Of The North American Coyote
by: Ryden, Hope
This book is the result of two years of field research on the coyote,
replete with over 50 photographs of the animals whose wild spaces the
author shared. This is a spirited, informative account of a unique wild
species. 321 pgs.
c. 1979, S/C...$17.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good - Very Good
God's Dog: A Celebration Of The North American Coyote
by: Ryden, Hope
This book is the result of two years of field research on the coyote,
replete with over 50 photographs of the animals whose wild spaces the
author shared. This is a spirited, informative account of a unique wild
species. 321 pgs.
c. 1979, H/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
In Praise Of Wolves
by: Lawrence, R.D.
In the spring of 1983, award-winning field biologist, R.D. Lawrence, traveled
to Michigan's Upper Peninsula to live among and observe a captive pack
of untamed wolves and the comparison of their behavior to free wild wolves.
The result is an extraordinary look inside the society of a much-maligned,
much-persecuted animal. 288 pgs.
c.1986, H/C...$16.95
In the Shadow of a Rainbow: The True Story of a Friendship Between
Man and Wolf
by: Leslie, Robert Franklin
In 1970, a young Indian beached his canoe near the author's Babine Lake
campsite in the backwoods of British Columbia. Night after night the men
talked & gradually, the young Indian told the remarkable story of
his devotion to a pack of timber wolves & their legendary female leader
Nahani. He had first met the magnificent silver she-wolf six summers before.
From the beginning a bond existed between them & it gre to amazing
proportions. When the black frosts forced the Indian to return to civilization,
he determined to search for Nahani, to find the wolf & her pack before
trappers & bounty hunters could destroy them. During the harsh months
of winter & throughout two summers he searched, always wondering if
Nahani would recognize him. Finally, in the vast wilderness, he learned
the meaning of the Indian saying, "When anything strengthens a bond
of friendship, the friends have walked in the shadow of a rainbow."
190 pgs.
c. 1974, reprint 1996, S/C...$11.00
Innocent Killers
by: Vanlawick-Goodall, Hugo & Jane
The fascinating worlds of the wild dogs, jackels, and hyena and their
hunting grounds. B/W photos. 222 pgs.
c. 1971, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Innocent Killers
by: Vanlawick-Goodall, Hugo & Jane
The fascinating worlds of the wild dogs, jackels, and hyena and their
hunting grounds. B/W photos. 222 pgs.
c .1970, S/C...$7.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Keepers of the Wolves: The Early Years of Wolf Recovery in Wisconsin
by: Thiel, Richard
It was 1978, and there had been no resident timber wolves in Wisconsin
for twenty years. Still, packs were active in neighboring Minnesota, and
there was the occasional rumor from Wisconsins northwestern counties
of wolf sign or sightings. Had wolves returned on their own to Wisconsin?
Richard Thiel, then a college student with a passion for wolves, was determined
to find out. Thus begins Keepers of the Wolves, Thiels tale of his
ten years at the center of efforts to track and protect the recovery of
wolves in Northern Wisconsin. From his early efforts as a student enthusiast
to his departure in 1989 from the post of wolf biologist for the Department
of Natural Resources, Thiel conveys the wonder, frustrations, humor, and
everyday hard work of field biologists, as well as the politics and public
relations pitfalls that so often accompany their profession. We share
in the excitement as Thiel and his colleagues find wolf tracks in the
snow, howl in the forest night and are answered back, learn to safely
trap wolves to attach radio collars, and track the packs ranges
by air from a cramped Piper Cub. We follow the stories of individual wolves
and their packs as pups are born and die, wolves are shot by accident
and by intent, ravages of canine parvovirus and hard winters take their
toll, and young adults move on to new ranges. Believing he had left his
beloved wolves behind, Thiel takes a new job as an environmental educator
in central Wisconsin, but soon wolves follow. By 1999, there were an estimated
200 timber wolves in 54 packs in Wisconsin. 227 pgs.
c. 2001, S/C... $19.95
Kingdom Of Wolves
by: Barry, Scott
Scott Barry has spent a great deal of time working with wolves. Now he
shares what he has experienced & learned. B/W photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1979, H/C, Autographed...$9.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Never Cry Wolf
by: Mowat, Farley
A gripping narrative of a conservationist's life among the wolves in the
middle of the artic prairie. Hordes of bloodthirsty wolves are slaughtering
the arctic caribou, and the government's Wildlife Service assigns naturalist
Farely Mowat to investigate. Mowat is dropped alone onto the frozen tundra,
where he begins his mission to live among the howling wolf packs and study
their waves. Contact with his quarry comes quickly, and Mowat discovers
not a den of marauding killers but a courageous family of skillful providers
and devoted protectors of their young. As Mowat comes closer to the wolf
world, he comes to fear with them on onslaught of bounty hunters and government
exterminators out to erase the noble wolf community from the Arctic. Never
Cry Wolf is one of the brilliant narratives on the myth and magical world
of wild wolves and man's true place among the creatures of nature. "We
have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what we deliberately
and mistakenly perceive it to be -- the mythological epitome of a savage,
ruthless killer -- which is, in reality, no more than the reflected image
of ourself."
c. 1979, P/B...$7.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Ninemile Wolves
by: Bass, Rick
An inspiring and powerful case for reviving wolf packs in the US. B/W
photos. 165 pgs.
c. 1992, S/C...$10.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
North Runner
by: Lawrence, R.D.
True story of a part wolf, part alaskan malmute and the man who found
him. 287 pgs.
c. 1979, H/C...$10.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Of Wolves & Men
by: Lopez, Barry Holstun
Reveals the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the
centuries, and the wolf's prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures.
Drawing on an astonishing array of literature, history, science, and mythology
as well as considerable personal experience with captive and free-ranging
wolves, Lopez argues for the necessity of the wolf's preservation and
envelops the reader in its sensory world, creating a compelling picture
of the wolf both as real animal and as imagined by man. A scientist might
perceive the wolf as defined by research data, while an Eskimo hunter
sees a family provider much like himself. For many Native Americans the
wolf is also a spiritual symbol, a respected animal that can make both
the individual and the community stronger. With irresistible charm and
elegance, Of Wolves and Men celebrates scientific fieldwork, dispels folklore
that has enabled the Western mind to demonize wolves, explains myths,
and honors indigenous traditions, allowing us to further understand how
this incredible animal has come to live so strongly in the human heart.
B/W photos. 309 pgs.
c. 1978, H/C...$14.95
Of Wolves & Men
by: Lopez, Barry Holstun
Reveals the uneasy interaction between wolves and civilization over the
centuries, and the wolf's prominence in our thoughts about wild creatures.
Drawing on an astonishing array of literature, history, science, and mythology
as well as considerable personal experience with captive and free-ranging
wolves, Lopez argues for the necessity of the wolf's preservation and
envelops the reader in its sensory world, creating a compelling picture
of the wolf both as real animal and as imagined by man. A scientist might
perceive the wolf as defined by research data, while an Eskimo hunter
sees a family provider much like himself. For many Native Americans the
wolf is also a spiritual symbol, a respected animal that can make both
the individual and the community stronger. With irresistible charm and
elegance, Of Wolves and Men celebrates scientific fieldwork, dispels folklore
that has enabled the Western mind to demonize wolves, explains myths,
and honors indigenous traditions, allowing us to further understand how
this incredible animal has come to live so strongly in the human heart.
309 pgs.
c. 1978, S/C...$14.95
Part Wild: One Woman's Journey with a Creature Caught Between the
Worlds of Wolves and Dogs
by: Terrill, Ceiridwen
The unforgettable story of Ceiridwen Terrill's journey with a creature
whose heart is divided between her bond to one woman and her need to roam
free. When Terrill adopts a wolfdogpart husky, part gray wolfnamed
Inyo to be her protector and fellow traveler, she is drawn to Inyos
spark of wildness; compelled by the great responsibility, even danger,
that accompanies the allure of the wild; and transformed by theextraordinary
love she shares with Inyo, who teaches Terrill how to carve out a place
for herself in the world. Over almost four years, Terrill and Inyos
adventures veer between hilarious and heartbreaking. There are peaceful
weekends spent hiking in snowy foothills, mirthful romps through dirty
laundry, joyful adoptions of dog companions, and clashes brought on by
the stress of caring for Inyo, insatiable without the stimulation of a
life lived outdoors. Forced to move and accommodate the complaints of
fearful neighbors and the desires of her space-craving wolfdog, Terrill
must confront the reality of what she has done by trying to tame a part-wild
animal. Driven to understand the differences between dogs and wolves,
Terrill spent five years interviewing genetics experts, wolf biologists,
dog trainers, and wolf rescuers in the United States, Germany, Hungary,
Sweden, and Russia. The fascinating results of her investigation make
Part Wild as informative as it is moving. 274 pgs
c. 2011, H/C...$25.00
Red Fox (Mammal Society)
by: Harris, Stephen
Moult, signs, habitat, eating habits, breeding, growing up, activity,
behavior. 24 pgs.
Red Fox: The Catlike Canine
by: Henry, J. David
Henry's beautifully illustarted study takes the reader right into the
exotic domain of the red foxes of North America for a close look at their
little-known world. He describes the social ecology of the red fox, chronicling
major life events such as choice of mate, courtship, selectiong on whelping
den, & raising the young. Also discusses the hunting strategies &
its intriguing "caching" behavior. Color & B/W photos. 174
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Return of the Wolf
by: Grooms, Steve
Steve Grooms presents, for the first time, the harrowing story of the
wolf's comeback in the Lower 48 states, Canada, and Alaska. An intelligent
account of the wolf's history in North America, wolf management, and recent
controversy. Many beautiful color photographs throughout. 192 pgs.
c. 1993, S/C...$16.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Reynard: The Story Of A Fox Returned To The Wild
by: Leighner, Alice Mills
Raising an abandoned fox kit through the summer to release it in the fall
c. 1993, Booklet...$5.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited