102 Bird Houses, Feeders You Can Make
by: Sibley, Hi
Project book provides patterns for house and feeder styles suited for
many different kinds of birds. Very detailed instructions. 96 pgs.
c. 1980, S/C... $7.00
Used, Out-Of-Print
Condition: like new
Animal Hats: Frog Hats, Elephant Hats, Cat Hats, and More
by: Mooncie, Vanessa
Gather knitting know-how for making animal hats of all shapes and sizes.
The book features detailed knitting patterns, schematics, and basic animal
hat-making techniques--plus how-to instruction for adding a fleecy hat-lining
for extra coziness. There are patterns for every animal-lover. Animals
included are cat, dog, chicken, rabbit, pig, frog, penguin, cow, elephant,
fox, koala, monkey, panda, lion, and mouse. Patterns offer both child
and adult sizes, so family members can each have their own hat. Color
127 pgs
c. 2013, S/C... $15.95
Art of Soap Making (Harrowsmith Contemporary Primer)
by: Mohr, Merilyn
Merilyn Mohr has created a complete introduction to the art of home soapmaking
- a craft that appeals both to our sense of economy and to our sense of
simple esthetics. 127 pgs
c. 1979, reprinted 1995, S/C... $9.95
Arts & Crafts Of Hawaii: Twined Baskets (Vol. IV)
by: Te Rangi Hiroa
The definitive work on Hawaiian material culture. Peter H. Buck, director
of Bishop Museum from 1936 until his death in 1951, divided Hawaiian material
culture into 13 major groupings, now reprinted in 13 separate publications
plus an index to the complete set. Meticulous and detailed, his descriptions
of traditional objects include methods of construction and use. His painstaking
accounts are, in many cases, specific enough to allow modern artisans
to recreate these works.
Chapters include: Chapters include: material, terminology, techniques,
basket types, color decoration, evolution of twined baskets. B/W photos
& illustrations. 29 pgs.
c. 1957, Reprint, S/C...$8.95
Arts & Cratfs of Hawaii
by: Hiroa, Te Rangi (Sir Peter H. Buck)
Meticulously detailed and well illustrated, former Bishop Museum Director
Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter H Buck) guides the reader thru every element
of Hawaiian arts and crafts, providing detailed descrptions of traditional
objects, methods of construction, and traditional use. Now, over 45 years
after the original release of the work, Arts and Crafts of Hawaii, it
can be enjoyed in a singular masterpiece. 606 pgs.
c. 2003, reprint of unbound volumes from 1957, H/C... $150.00
Bark Canoes & Skin Boats Of North America
by: Adney & Chapelle
The most extensive descriptions of native boats in North America. Tells
how to build them, tools & material used. Lots of B/W photos & illustrations.
242 pgs.
c. 1983, S/C... 29.95
Basic Essentials of Knots for the Outdoors
by: Jacobson, Cliff
Windproof your tent and rain fly with expert knots. Tie off your watercraft
with knots you can depend on. Cinch down cargo while traveling to your
destination. Splice ropes together when it is necessary. Use a power-cinch
during a river rescue. Make a support for a camera using lashing methods
to secure it. Understand different applications for various types of rope.
Prepare a new rope for outdoor use. Protect the lifetime and dependability
of the ropes you count on. Understand rope nomenclature. Includes a left-handed
mirror image illustration for every right-handed knot and hitch. 65 pgs
c. 1990, S/C... $4.95
Basic Leatherwork
by: Hurst, George & Hickam, Paul
Introduction to Leatherwork, Tooling Instructions, Holding the Mallet
& Stamping Tools, Backgrounds, Decorative Cuts, Billfold Pattern,
Saddle Stitch Instructions, 4 Hook Key Case Pattern, Threading the Needle,
Double Loop Lace Instructions, Coaster Patterns, Alphabet Patterns. illustrated.
16 pgs.
Best Birdhouses for Your Backyard
by: Berger, Michael
Create these 13 birdhouse projects suitable for more than 25 species of
wild birds. Includes plans for a bat house and butterfly house plus sidebars
on how to attract birds. Filled with color photos & illustrations.
128 pgs
c. 2001, S/C... $24.99
Bird, Bee & Bug Houses: Simple Projects for Your Garden
by: Jones, Derek
Includes specific information on habit requirements for different species.
This title explains the information you need to know to create the perfect
habitat for each chosen species. It covers materials needed to create
the house, deciding on a location and choosing an appropriate design.
Color. 159 pgs
c. 2010, S/C... $17.95
Birdfeeders, Shelters & Baths: Weekend Workshop Collection
by: Baldwin, Edward
Over 25 complete easy-to-build, step-by-step projects for the weekend
woodworker, including tips for providing the proper food and environment
for birds and discouraging pests. 128 pgs.
Birdhouse Book: Building Houses, Feeders, and Baths
by: McNeil, Don
This book contains carefully detailed instructions and easy-to-understand
drawings for 26 birdhouses, nesting shelves, and nesting boxes, as well
as feeder and bath plans. This best-seller will please the woodworker
in your family. 112 pgs.
c. 1979, S/C... $7.95
Used, Out-Of-Print
Condition: like new
Book of Candlemaking
by: Larkin, Chris
Here is a complete how-to guide to help you produce any combination of
size, shape, color, scent, and style, even floating candles. Creating
your own candles allows for a wide range of creative expression. Molding,
dipping, rolling, carving, twisting, scenting, decorating-all these methods
yield unique handmade candles, and all are nicely explored in this well-illustrated
guide. A thorough introduction to the various techniques sets the stage
for dozens of projects, from molded shapes concealing hidden treasures
or stately pillars collaged with found objects to elegantly decoupaged
tapers or whimsical candles mimicking ice cream sundaes. Many projects
are devoted to decorating candle containers, so in addition to showing
beginners how to delve into the field and providing more experienced crafters
with new ideas, the book also offers great designs for unleashing your
creativity on the candleholder, even if you never make a single candle
from scratch. Lavish photographs demonstrate how to use the candles in
a variety of inspiring settings. Full color throughout. 128 pgs.
c.1997, H/C...$24.95
Book of Decorative Knots
by: Owen, Peter
This comprehensive book presents more than 60 beautiful--and functional--knots
with clear, step-by-step line illustrations that explain each phase of
the properly-tied knot. Includes lanyard knots for decorative braidwork,
"Turk's head" knots for decorative handgrips, button knots,
sinnets, flat knots, and more. Line drawings. 144 pgs.
c.1994, S/C... $12.95
Book of Presents
by: Mills, Sonya
Easy to make gifts for every occasion. Designs & instructions for
making nearly 100 gifts in such areas as crafts, cookery, sewing, carpentry,
crochet, and knitting. B/W & Color photos. 156 pgs.
c. 1979, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good
Braiding & Knotting - Techniques & Projects
by: Belash, Constantine A.
General Directions for Braiding, Flat Braiding, Weaving Over Stationary
Strands, Articles of Flat Braiding, Solid Braiding, Articles of Solid
Braiding, Different Kinds of Knots, Knotted Articles 126 pages with many
c. 1936, Dover Reprint 1974, S/C...$6.95
Build Your Own Telescope: Complete Plans for Five Telescopes You Can
Build with Simple Hand Tools
by: Berry, Richard
For anyone who has ever dreamed of exploring the heavens with a telescope.
In clear step-by-step instructions, the author tells how to build 5 telescopes,
from a simple reflecting telescope suitable for a parent and child to
build together to a research-grade 10-inch telescope capable of sustaining
a lifetime's interest in astronomy. Detailed instructions include complete
plans and photographs that show how anyone can construct a powerful telescope
with ordinary household tools and materials. 276 pgs
c. 1994, 2nd ed, H/C... $25.95
By the Water's Edge
by: McCullah, Mary
10 painting projects featuring water birds & fish. Merganser wooden
tray, Marsh Wren & Cattails painted canvas, Nesting Pelican basket,
Loon & Lotus lamp, Canada Goose tea box, Great Egret plaque, Penguins
in Snow decorative tree, Mute Swans box & pencil holder, Bald Eagle
mail basket, Fish in a Circle wind chime.
c. 2006, S/C... $9.95
Candlemaker's Compaion
by: Oppenheimer, Betty
Create exquisite, handcrafted candles at home with this comprehensive
primer! From wax to wick to wrapping, the magical glow of a handmade candle
is now easier to create than ever before. With illustrated step-by-step
instructions and complete source lists, The Candlemaker's Companion shows
you how to: Create rolled, poured, molded, gel, dipped, and custom-blended
candles; Scent, color, and decorate candles for special places and occasions;
Make innovative containers, holders, and gift packaging; Create luminaria,
lanterns, and floating candles; Use specialty techniques, such as overdipping,
painting, layering, and sculpting. 176 pgs.
c.1997, S/C... $18.95
Carving Clowns & Circus Wagons
by: Smith, Bily J.
Now you can make your own circus parade, complete circus with bandwagon,
horses, elephants, and clowns using ordinary power tools. Start with inexpensive
wood and display panels that you can carve yourself or select from wood
specialty stores and catalogs, then follow the patterns for the body,
axles, and wheels.127 pgs.
c.1993, S/C... $12.95
Complete Book Of Birdhouse Construction For Woodworkers
by: Campbell, Scott
Detailed instructions, illustrations, tables. Also data on bird habitat
and instinct patterns. Bibliography. 3 tables. 63 illustrations in 15
figures. 46 pgs.
c. 1984, S/C, (Regular $3.50)...$1.95
Condition: Very Good
Complete Book of Gourd Craft
by: Ginger Summit & Jim Widess
Includes info about growing, drying, & cleaning gourds, and describes
more than 55 ways to decorate them using stains, paints, carving, wood
burning, basketry, decoupage and other approaches. Plus, 22 fabulous projects
to make including a wood burned stained bowl, a coiled basket with beads,
a santa puppet, a potpourri holder, and more. Great for beginners or the
skilled gourd artist. Color & B/W photos. 143 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C...$18.95
Complete Book Of Knots
by: Budworth, Geoffrey
Provides easy-to-follow instructions for selecting & tying more than 100
knots. Color illustrations guide you through step-by-step. Also contains
a comprehensive glossary of terms. 160 pgs.
c.1997, S/C... $18.95
Complete Soapmaker
by: Coney, Norma
Tips, techniques & recipies for luxurious handmade soaps. Everything
you need to know to begin making your own, from basic bar soap to special
hand-milled varieties. Accurate descriptions of equipment and ingredients,
step-by-step instructions and photos, safety tips & problem solving
techniques, recipies for more than 60 soaps, instructions for making speciality
soaps, and how to store, wrap, decorate and display your finished work.
Color photos. 128 pgs.
c. 1996, S/C...$14.95
Cottage Industries
by: Porter, Valerie
Information for beginners on woodworking, basketry, herbs, tanning, spinning.
Contents: Information for beginners: wood including woodland crafts; basketry
and thatch, meadow, hedgerow, orchard and garden; skin, leather and feather;
fibre; workshop and studio; cottage offices and shops. 143 pgs.
c.1992, S/C...$14.95
Creature Crochet - 12 Adorable Animal Patterns
by: Rask, Kristen
Pick up your hooks and get ready to stitch and stuff a collection of crotcheted
animal projects. From a pint-sized piglet to a sweet bear that conceals
a hidden container, you'll learn to make 12 lovable creatures inspired
by popular Japanese art of amiguruumi. Kit includes a book with 80 full-color
photos and instructions to make 12 adorable animals, crochet hook, and
enough yarn to make your first two projects - a tropical kissing fish
and a beaver with a stuffed felt tail. Beginners and experienced crafters
alike will enjoy these cute patterns.
c. 2013, Cardboard case... $21.95
Crocheted Wild Animals: A Collection of Wild and Woolly Friends to
by: Mooncie, Vanessa
Gather crochet know-how for making toy animals of all shapes and sizes.
The book features a clear, detailed crochet pattern for each animal, plus
toy-making tips. Along the way, readers will also learn some interesting
and surprising facts about each wild animal. The projects vary in level
of complexity, and there is an easy to understand techniques section to
help lapsed and beginning crocheters with basic crochet skills. 159 pgs
c. 2013, S/C... $19.95
Counted Cross Stitch Books
Discontinued, Over 40 titles available
On Sale!
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Deerskins Into Buckskins: How To Tan With Brains, Soap or Eggs (Book)
by: Richards, Matt
Detailed photographs and illustrations, in a simple to follow style, shows
you exactly what you need to know to successfully turn your deer, elk,
moose, or buffalo skins into leather preferred by outdoorsmen. Learn methods
of brain tanning as well as how to use a dozen eggs or soap & oil instead.
B/W photos & illustrations. 240 pgs.
c. 2004, 2nd Ed, S/C...$19.95
Designer Pumpkins (Book)
by: Ayers, Jerry
An instructional book. The author will guide you through the basics of
pumpkin carving.
c.1995, S/C...$9.95
Designer Pumpkins (Video - VHS)
by: Ayers, Jerry
An instructional video. The author will guide you through the basics of
pumpkin carving.
c.1995, VHS 30 Min....$9.95
On Sale $7.95
Dog Crafts
by: Needham, Bobbe
More than 50 grrreat projects, all items for or about dogs. If you're
a dog lover who can sew, saw, cook, or paint, then you're barking up the
right tree with this book! The crafts here include quilting and crocheting,
woodworking and carpentry, baking and grilling, but all the most basic
levels of skill. Create the Canny Canine Quilt, Paws That Refreshes Placemats,
the Let-Sleeping-Dogs-Lie bed, and ecologically correct Canine Fashion
Sweaters. All fifty projects will surely bring hours of pleasure to any
dog and its human friends. 128 pgs (all in color)
c.1997, S/C...$14.95