America's Horses & Ponies
by: Brady, Irene
This is a book for curious people who want to know the why, what, where,
when & how about horses. It does not mention anything about riding,
stable management or show ettiquette. It is designed to give a fairly
complete picture of the 38 most popular breeds of horses and ponies in
the U.S.. It also discusses the donkey & mule, the zebras we see in
zoos, and the Przewalski's Horse & the rebred Tarpan. All drawings
are done to scale so each animal and be compared to every other animal
in the book to find relative size & conformation. 50 suberb pencil
drawings. 202 pgs.
c. 1969, S/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/ dust jacket, name inside front cover
otherwise excellet inside, dust jacket has small tears
Beauty Of Horses
by: Livingston, Dick
Photographs and text of various breeds of horses.
c. 1995... $24.95
Cavalcade Of American Horses
by: Crowell, Pers
A treasury of information about every recognized breed of light horse
popular in America today. For each breed it gives a brief summary of its
history, describes its conformation, size, color, & provides brief
instructions on training, showing & use. It also tells the story of
prehistoric men & horses, traces the history of horses in the great
civilizations of the past & in the more recent cultures of Great Britain
& Western Europe. This is followed by clear descriptions of the various
gaits: the walk, trot, gallop, canter, fox trot, pace, rack, running walk,
etc. Each gait is discussed in detail with diagrams & foorfall charts.
Illustrated by the author. 311 pgs.
c. 1951, H/C...$45.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good with dust jacket, inside like new, dust
jacket has tears
Encyclopedia Of The Horse
Includes: country-by-country illustrated guide to more than 150 horse
and pony breeds, a review of equestrian sports, valuable information on
horse care and maganement, history of the horse, and a A-Z glossary of
over 500 equestrian terms. Over 400 Color photos. 256 pgs.
c. 1977, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Famous American Horses
by: Devereux, Frederick L. Jr.
Here are 21 historically important biographical sketches of oustanding
American horses (Steeplechasers, Trotters, Cowponies, Hunters, Flat Racers,
Show Horses & Battle Mounts) that have made history, & illustrated
by a prominent artist. Includes: Sheridan's Rienzi, Justin Morgan, Snowman,
Comanche, Mon O War, Whirlaway, Steeldust, Battleship, Jenny Camp, George
Washington's Nelson, Paul Revere's pacer, Canonero, Secretariat, and more.
118 pgs.
c. 1975, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very good w/ dust jacket, ex-library,
usual library markings, inside pages clean, no writing, dust jacket shows
some wear
Fascinating Horses
by: Micek, Tomas
Photos of Andalusian, Fresian, Haflingers, Icelandic Ponies, Welsh Cobs,
c. 1997... $29.95 |
Great Horses Of The Past (Volume 1)
by: Gray, Bob
This book explores the dim begginnings of the western horse breeds &
tells of stallions that played a major role in founding these breeds.
This is not only a book about horses but a book about the men & women
to whom a good horse was the most important thing in life. This book gives
the personal background of each stallion's development, including his
early life, hardships & reasons for greatness. B/W photos. 131 pgs.
c. 1967, 1st Ed, H/C...$65.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/dust jacket
Horse & Its Relatives
by: Lydekker, R.
Chapters on: The wild tarpan, horses & ponies of the British Islands,
foreign breeds, Arab stock, feral horses, Kiang & Onager group, zebras
& quaggas, ass, mules & other hybrids, extinct forerunners of the horse.
B/W plates. 286 pgs.
c. 1912, H/C...$95.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Horse & Pony Breeds (Complete Handbook)
by: Bell, Davis & McBane
Features more than 100 pf the world's favorite horse & pony breeds,
with at-a-glance diagrams that trace each breed's ancestry. Includes an
overview of each breed's origin, appearance, & character, with advice
on feeding, grooming & medical care. Color photos. 224 pgs.
c. 2004, H/C...$9.95
Horse Book
by: Rendel, John
An invaluable guide book with compehensive data & discussions of all
breeds, & 300 superb photographs to supplement the text. The author
tells you everything you need to know about horses for show, racing, harness
racing, steeplechase & hunt, polo, rodeo, circus & pleasure riding.
Rules & explanations of horse shows are presented, together with a
wealth of professional hints on the care & training of thoroughbreds.
c. 1960, H/C....$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good w/ dust jacket, name inside
front cover, dust jacket fair condition, ripped & taped, inside pages
are clean with no writing
Horse Breeds Of North America
by: Dutson, Judith
96 horses, ponies, donkeys and draft horses of North America with at-a-glance
profiles and photographs of each breed. Includes historical facts, special
qualities, their most common uses, along witha small map showing where
the breed originated. Pocket-size: 6" x 4.25". Color photos. 208 pgs.
c. 2006, S/C...$10.95 |
Horse Facts
by: McBane, Susan & Douglas Cooper, Helen
A region-by-region guide featuring full-color descriptions of over 90
breeds, plus reference to more than 40 others. With expert advice into
horse behavior & instincts help owners & riders to understand,
train & communivate with their horses more successfully. Includes
fascinating information on the history & origins of the horse including
how the horse was domesticated & how it spread across the world. Color
illustrations & color photos. 160 pgs.
c. 1991, H/C...$14.95
Horse In the West
by: Smith, Bradley
Traces the history of the horse from his importation to the New World
by the intrepid Spanish adventurers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
down to the present day. Arabian, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Appoloosa.
165 color photos. 255 pgs.
c. 1969, H/C...$45.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Horse: Complete Guide To Horse Breeds & Breeding
by: Kidd, Jane
Evolution, ponies, work horses, types, international breeds, colors &
c. 1995... $24.95 |
by: Reddick, Kate
Idententification & information on horses from every continent; their
evolution & their individual breed histories. 167 color photos of
125 breeds. 160 pgs.
c. 1976, P/B...$5.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good, shows some wear
Horses (DK)
by: Edwards, Elwyn
Identification & information guide of over 100 horse breeds from around
the world. Over 250 crystal clear photographs. Concise text pinpoints
key characteristics of each breed. 256 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C... $18.95 |
Horses (Eyewitness Handbooks)
by: Edwards, Elwyn
Visual field guide to over 100 horse breeds from around the world with
descriptions, characteristics, environment, origin, and usage. Packed
with more than 250 vivid full-color photographs. 256 pgs.
c. 1993, S/C... $17.95 |
Horses: A Portrait Of The Animal World
by: Sterry, Paul
An informative series that provides, in a concise format, better understanding
of animals and their habitats. Tribute to the world's horses, origins
& history, breeds, lots of color photographs. 80 pgs.
c. 1994, H/C... $19.95 |
Horses, Asses & Zebras In The Wild
by: Groves, Colin
Describes wild horses and their relatives in detail - the different varieties,
habitats, how they live, prospects for survival, domestication, and also
a history of those species now extinct. Przewalski, tarpan, kiang, onager,
african wild ass, North American mustang, species of zebras, and more.
192 pgs.
c. 1974, H/C...$65.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited |
Horses of Britain
by: Wentworth, Lady
A description of British horses and ponies with 8 plates in colour and
26 illustrations in black & white. 48 pgs.
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good - Ex-Library
Horses Of The World
by: Bongianni, Maurizio & Mori, Concetta
This highly informative & beautifully illustrated volume brings a
new & exciting approach to every aspect of the horse, examining its
physical characteristics, origins & evolution, functions & role
in sports. It is uniquely organized - rather than following the usual
subdivisions according to country of origin or conformation, the different
breeds are grouped according to their uses throughout history: in battle,
for transporation & agriculture & in madern times, for sport.
Every breed is represented. Valuable info is also given on training, riding
accessories & equipment. Beautiful color illustrations. 198 pgs.
c. 1986, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like new with dust jacket
Horses Of The World: A Classic Survey with Over 300 Photographs
by: Goodall, Daphne Machin
In this book are all the breeds of horses & pony that exist in the
world today. There are pictures of every breed ever photographed, and
the majority show the animal in action against his typical background.
The horses in the book range from the familiar and well loved to suchstrange
creatures as the mystery horses of Sable Island and the Ica Age horse.
The captions under the photos of each breed give a summary of its locailty,
characteristics, color, & height. Also included is the country outline
enviornment, distribution & development of the breeds. 272 pgs.
c. 1965, H/C...$30.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Inside Very Good - Dust
jacket has small tears & tape on corner
International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds
by: Hendricks, Bonnie
The more than 394 breeds described clearly reflect the natural history
of their respective areas of origin. Horse breeds also reflect local human
history in the special uses for which they have been bred. Each breed
account gives the origin and history, a physical description, and details
about the uses of the horse. Some accounts also cover characteristic gaits,
colors or markings, forms of keeping, and styles of training. In addition
to the basic accounts, Hendricks refers to a number of breeds for which
limited information is available and many foundation breeds that are now
extinct. 512 pgs.
c. 1995, H/C...$65.00 |
Light Horse Breeds
by: Patten, John
Illustrated with more than 300 photographs, this is a complete guide to
the light horse breeds, their origins, characteristics, and principle
uses. B/W photos. 264 pgs.
c. 1960, H/C...$27.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Observer's Book Of Horses & Ponies
by: Summerhays, R. S.
Familair & unfamilar breeds & varieties are dealt with in
this concise book which covers the horses & ponies of the world -
from thew well know Shire horse & Throughoubred to the primitive Tarpan
horse, once extinct, & the Falabella miniature. This book is copiously
illustrated with B/W photos & helpful diagrammatic drawings of the
horse. Includes a glossary of technical terms & an index. 267 pgs.
c. 1968, Pocketsize, H/C...$10.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Near Mint with dust jacket
Simon & Schuster Guide To Horses & Ponies Of The World
by: Bongianni, Maurizio
Identification guide. More than 170 breeds are covered, including detail
of each breed's history, its place of origin and current geographical
distribution, functions, aptitudes, and notable physical and temperamental
characteristics. More than 230 Full-color photos and illustrations. 256
c. 1987, S/C... $16.00 |
Storey's Illustrated Guide To 96 Horse Breeds of North America
by: Dutson, Judith
Devoted to the horses of North America, this comprehensive guide features
in-depth profiles and photographs of 96 breeds. From homegrown natives
to the imported breeds, Dutson presents the incredible history of the
horse in North America. Color photos. 406 pgs.
c. 2005, S/C...$29.95 |
Ultimate Horse Book
by: Edwards, Elwyn Hartley
A must for everyone who loves horses, here is a comprehensive and visually
stunning guide to horses from around the world. At the center of the book
is a photographic catalog of 80 breeds of horse and pony. Each breed is
photographed in color, and its history, physical characteristics and temperament
are explained. Includes horse care, riding and equipment section. 500
photographs and illustrations. 240 pgs.
c. 1991, H/C...$29.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good - like new, with dust
World's Finest Horses & Ponies
by: Glyn, Richard
Describes & illustrates in full color all the most notable types of horses
to be found throughout the world. 128 pgs.
c. 1971, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited