Home Book Of Taxidermy & Tanning
by: Grantz, Gerald
Amateur's primer on mounting fish, birds, animals & trophies. Master the
basics of molds, forms, & paper-mache. Preserve animals, birds, and fish
of all sizes. Mount trophy heads, antlers, horns and big-game foot novelties.
Process skins and learn to use 12 different tanning solutions. 160 pgs.
c. 1969, H/C...$14.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Home Book Of Taxidermy & Tanning
by: Grantz, Gerald
Amateur's primer on mounting fish, birds, animals & trophies. Master the
basics of molds, forms, & paper-mache. Preserve animals, birds, and fish
of all sizes. Mount trophy heads, antlers, horns and big-game foot novelties.
Process skins and learn to use 12 different tanning solutions. 160 pgs.
c. 1969...S/C...$16.95
How To Call Wildlife (An Outdoor Life Book)
by: Dalrymple, Byron
This book reveals field-proven techniques for getting wildlife into range
of gun or camera. The author explains how to interpet your quarry's sounds
& how to recognize messages subtly conveyed through its body parts.
He teaches you how to "talk" your quarry's language by imitating
appropriate sample sounds, spelled phonetically in the book. Illustarted
with 125 photos of equipment, techniques & callers in action. 181
c. 1975, S/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
How To Rig & Fish Natural Baits (An Outdoor Life Book)
by: Dalrymple, Byron
Starting off with equipment, the author explains the purpose of the basic
types of hooks, sinkers, floats, swivels, snaps, leaders & spinners.
He then shows how to combine this equipment into rigs for every situation
in fresh & salt water. Illustarted instructions show how to make feshwater
float & sinker rigs, dropper rigs, spreader rigs, slipsinker rigs,
salmon-egg rigs, & many more. For saltwater there are popping cork
rigs, submerged bait rigs, fish-finder rigs, double level rigs & many
others. It also describes all the baits for fresh & salt water &
tells you when, where & how to use them. Illustrated with crystal-clear
line drawings. 165 pgs.
c. 1976, S/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
How To Track & Find Game
by: Ormond, Clyde
How to locate the 39 major north american game animals by relating their
tracks. 152 pgs.
c. 1975, S/C...$9.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Majestic Big Game
by the Editors of Voyageur Press
The ultimate tribute to North America's Greatest Game Animals. 140 pages,
color photos
c. 2000, S/C... $19.95
Missouri Show-Me Big Bucks Club Records Of Whitetail Deer (First Edition)
Edited by: Ream, Dale
Contents: History of white-tailed deer in Missouri; a records keeping
program :The Missouri Show-Me Big Bucks Club; philosophy of trophy hunting;
Missouri deer management; shed hunting; hunting adventures & photographs;
taxidermy readiness; photographing the elusive whitetail; Boone &
Crockett Club History; Missouri records by county; the ethics of the hunt;
measuring antlers & Missouri's whitetail deer; official measures;
records keeping clubs in North America for whitetail deer; photographs
by club memebers; art work, photography art work. Loaded with B/W photos.
348 pgs.
c. 1998, 1st Ed, H/C...$55.00
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
North American Game Birds (The Hunting & Fishing Library)
by: Hehner, Mike & Dorsey, Chris & Breining, Greg
This book focuses on the upland game bird, waterfowl & shorebirds
species of interest to bird hunters from the Canada goose to little know
birds like the Sora. You'll learn how to identify each bird & how
to distinguish them from similar species. Also describes any seasonal
coloration differences for each species, as well as difference between
males, females & juveniles. Includes info on size, food habits, migrational
patterns, habitat, breeding behavior, socail interaction & population
trends. You'll also learn basic techinques for hunting each bird. Color
photos, color range maps. 128 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
North American Waterfowler
by: Bernsen, Paul S.
Combined with the personal experiences of the author, the reader will
find the book profusely illustrated with photographs and charts that tell
what clothing to wear under what circumstance, an aritcle about ammunition
and guns with illustrations which show how to lead the birds in flight,
how to set out decoys, aerial views of lakes and ponds showing where to
build blinds with a discussion of the various types of blinds. There is
also a chapter on retrievers written in collaboration with Bert Carlson,
the star of ABS's American Sportsman Show.
c. 1972, H/C...$10.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/ dust jacket
Perfect Shot: Mini Edition For Africa
by; Robertson, Kevin
This pocket-size book shows anatomical diagrams of over 20 big game animals
to assist with the placement of the correct shot when hunting African
wildlife. The author is a wildlife veterinarian, a licensed professional
hunter, and a safari operator who has combined his interests in veterinary
medicine, firearms, practical ballistics and bullet performance with his
love of Africa's wildlife and its conservation. Color photos. 126 pgs.
c. 2003, S/C...$17.95
Pot Luck
by: Clark, Roland
The third volume of gunning tales produced by Roland Clark. He delightfully
writes about his favorite theme - ducks - and the men who hunt them. He
is a teller of tales that grip the hearts of men who go out in the early
dawn and cast their decoys on the rosy waters or tramp the frosty uplands.
He has also been drawing, painting & etching them for years. Illustrated
by the author. 101 pgs
c. 1945, H/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, no dust
jacket, no writing, binding good
Professional Mink Trapping Methods
by: Hawbaker, Stanley
A practical aid for sets, equipment, lures, and general suggestions. Drawings.
93 pgs.
c. 1961, 2nd Ed, Booklet...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Records Of North American Big Game
by: Boone & Crocket Club
The official records book for outstanding native North American big game
trophies, compiled by the Boone & Crockett Club. This is the 8th edition,
with the series beginning in 1932, based on the Boone & Crokett Club's
copyright scoring system, universally recognized as the standard for native
North American big game. This book recognizes new world's record trophies
in Alaska-Yukon moose, mountain caribou, muskox, pronghorn, & black
bear, plus significant ranking changes throught the listings. It lists
nearly 7000 individual trophies in 31 categories, giving rank in each
category, final score, selected measurments, locality taken, & name(s)
of hunter & owner. Includes 45 B/W photographs of the top trophies
in each category, in addition to other photos, maps & drawings. 409
c. 1981, 8th Ed, H/C...$49.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good with dust jacket,
inside Naer Mint, dust jacket has small tears on edges on front &
big tear on back
Records Of North American Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goats & Pronghorn
A book of the Boone & Crockett Club containing tabulations of wild sheep,
Rocky Mountain goats & pronghorn of North America as compiled from data
in the Club's Records. 380 pgs.
c.1996...H/C, 1st Ed...$24.95
Ringneck: A Pheasants Forever Book
by: Pheasants Forever
A photographic essay of pheasants & pheasant hunting, their histoy
in North America, & a year in their life - the ringnecks natural history.
Wonderful color photos of pheasants, hunters & their dogs. 120 pgs.
c. 1995, H/C...$24.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Rowland Ward's Records Of Big Game (2 Volume Set)
Volume 1: Africa
Volume 2: North & South America, Europe, Asia & Oceania
Hunters throughout the world regard this record-keeping book as a "Bible",
not only as a source of knowledge on distribution of game and its taxonomic
features but also as a historical, geographical and biological record.
It is not designed to be a scientific work, but a source for sportsmen
and scientific men who are interested to see comparable measurements at
a glance. The first edition was published in 1892 and was 264 pages. Due
to it's massive size and weight this 26th edition is now in 2 volumes
and spans 1120 pgs. Limited to 1500 copies.
c. 2002, 26th Ed, 2 Vol set, H/C...$195.00
Sportsman's Guide To Game Animals
by: Lee Rue III, Leonard
A field book to North American species of game animals. It describes in
exhaustive detail the behavior in the wilds of all North American game
animals - how they obtain thier food, make their homes, cope with enemies
and weather, communicate with their kind, breed, care for their young,
and much much more. Each chapter contains convenient subheadings which
permit quick and easy reference to every aspect of an animals's behavior.
Range maps, B/W Photos. 655 pgs.
c. 1968, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good
Tracks & Trailcraft
by: Jaeger, Ellsworth
Fully illustrated guide to the idententification of animal tracks in forest,
field, barnyard, & backyard. Also presents a wealth of track &
trailcraft lore - now becoming a lost art. Hundreds of tracks described
& illustrated with clear pen-and-ink sketches: tracks made by our
pets & domestic animals, the tracks of field & forest, of zoo
& jungle, bird tracks, amphibian & reptile tracks, & insect
& mullosk tracks. Includes a chapter on various tracking games &
to methods of reproducing tracks. 381 pgs.
c. 1948, 3rd Printing 1967, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/ dust jacket, dust jacket
shows wear but inside almost like new
Trap Building
by: Munro-Massey, Burt, Stromberg
Line drawings, B/W photos, & plans for building all types of modern &
primitive traps.
Trapping and Tracking
by: Clawson, George
A complete guide to the successful use of traps and traplines, lures,
baits and scents. Includes pelt care and preparation. 202 pages, b/w illustrations
c. 1977, H/C... $35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/ dust jacket
Wildlife Identification Pocket Guide
Written for the hunter as a take-along pocket-size field guide to help
correctly identify the species being hunted. Divided into 5 parts: large
mamals, small mammals, upland birds, waterfowl, & non-game raptors.
Each section also contains information on field dressing. Animals are
referred to by their common name, not their scientific name. There is
a color photo of each species except waterfowl, which have color illustrations
of each bird. The waterfowl illustrations are shown flying, as well as
differences between drake & hen. 119 pgs.
c. 2002, Pocketsize, S/C...$7.50
Condition: Very Good
Whitetail: Fundamentals & Fine Points For The Hunter (An Outdoor Life
by: Mattis, George
The book blends a practical knowledge of deer hunting with a deep feeling
for the mystery, romance, & challenge of the chase. The reader will not
only get an education in hunting lore, but also an insight into the private
world of the deer themselves. 248 pgs.
c. 1980, 2nd Revised Ed, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Whitetail Wisdom (Hunting Wisdom Library)
by: North American Hunting Club
A collection of knowledge & wisdom from various expert hunters &
whitetail researchers, written for the average person who doesn't have
time to become an expert but still loves hunting. That's why their stories,
which originally were published in North American Hunter magazine, along
with the works of many more experet hunters & deer behaviorists are
included in this book. Color photos & illustrations. 160 pgs.
c. 1998, H/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Wild Sheep & Wild Sheep Hunters Of The Old World
by: Valdez, Raul
Traces history of sheep hunting in Eurasia. Every old world species is
included. Profusely illustrated with photographs. 209 pages. Limited Edition.
c.1983...H/C, L/E...$75.00
Quantities Limited