Manual of Diagnostic Tests & Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
2012 (2 Vol Set)
The aim is to facilitate international trade in animals and animal products
and to contribute to the improvement of animal health services world-wide.
The principal target readership is laboratories carrying out veterinary
diagnostic tests and surveillance, plus vaccine manufacturers and regulatory
authorities in Member Countries. The objective is to provide internationally
agreed diagnostic laboratory methods and requirements for the production
and control of vaccines and other biological products. The Terrestrial
Manual, covering infectious and parasitic diseases of mammals, birds and
bees, was first published in 1989. Each successive edition has extended
and updated the information provided. This seventh edition includes over
50 updated chapters and guidelines (including a new guideline on the application
of biotechnology to the development of veterinary vaccines, and the addition
of epizootic haemorrhagic disease to the relevant chapter). This edition
has a slightly different structure from former editions: Part 1 contains
ten introductory chapters that set general standards for the management
of veterinary diagnostic laboratories and vaccine production facilities;
Part 2 comprises chapters on OIE listed diseases and other diseases of
importance to international trade; Part 3 comprises four guidelines that
have been developed on topics such as biotechnology and antimicrobial
susceptibility testing that are intended to give a brief introduction
to their subjects (they are to be regarded as background information rather
than strict standards); and Part 4 is the list of OIE Reference Centres
at the time of publication.
c. 2012, 7th ed, 2 vol set, S/C... $215.00
Manual of Internal Fixation in the Horse
by: Fackelman-Nunamaker
In this book the authors describe the implements and techniques in use
today for internal fixation in large animals. Pre-and Postoperative care
are covered, as are first aid and patient management. The recommedations
will help veterinarians avoid many of the pitfalls they may encounter
in the course of treatment. The book will be especially useful to those
who have participated in practical ASIF courses, and will encourage them
to continue updating their knowledge of reseach developments in this field.
106 pages.
c. 1982, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Manual Of Reptiles (1st Ed)
by: Beynon, Peter
This book is the cutting edge of reptile veterinary care. Chapters: Management
in Captivity; Examination and Diagnostic Techniques; Post-Mortem Examinatio;
Laboratory Investigations; Radiological and Related Investigations; Integument;
Cardiovascular System; Respiratory System; Gastrointestinal System; Urogenital
System; Neurological Diseases; Nutritional Diseases; Miscellaneous; Ophthalmology;
Anaesthesia; Surgery; Therapeutics; with appendices on: Useful Addresses;
Clinical Examination and Post-Mortem Sheets; Haematological and Biochemical
Data; Legal Aspects; Conversion Tables. 228 pgs.
c.1992, S/C...$64.95
Medicine of Australian Mammals
by: Vogelnest, Larry & Woods, Rupert
More than 30 experts present the most current information available on
the medical management of all taxa of Australian native mammals. This
comprehensive text is divided into two parts. The first includes chapters
on general topics relevant to the medical management of capative and free-ranging
Australian native mammals such as:veterinary considerations for the rescue,
treatment, rehabilitation and release of wildlife; veterinary aspects
of hand-rearing orphaned marsupials; marine mammal strandings and the
role of the veterinarian; and wildlife health investigation and necropsy
of Australian mammals. The second part covers the medicine of specific
taxa of Australian native mammals. Detailed information on taxonomy, distribution,
biology, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, husbandry, nutrition, physical
and chemical restraint, clinical pathology, hand-rearing, diseases, zoonoses,
therapeutics, reproductive management and surgery is included. This practical,
one-source reference is complemented by detailed photographs and illustrations,
as well as tables listing reproductive and physiological data, diets,
haematology and biochemistry values and drug formularies. Appendices include
a checklist of the mammals of Australia and its territories and a guide
to the identification of common parasites of Australian mammals. 686 pages
c. 2008, Reprint 2010 w/corrections, H/C... $205.00
Merck Veterinary Manual: 10th Edition
The Merck Veterinary Manual is the most comprehensive, reliable reference
for veterinary professionals. Trusted for more than 50 years, this reference
now features hundreds of full-color images, including illustrations, photomicrographs,
and radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic images. In addition,
all 3,000 pages have been updated to reflect the latest advances in veterinary
medicine. This new edition offers comprehensive coverage of exotic and
laboratory animals and an extensively revised zoonoses reference table.
The section on behavior has been thoroughly revised, and includes the
most current information on diagnosing and treating behavioral disorders
in dogs, cats, and other domestic animals.
Updated Content: Comprensive discussion of diseases and disorders
affecting all common domestic animals; Expanded coverage of exotic animals,
including pet birds, fish, ratites, reptiles, and rodents; Zoonotic potential
of veterinary diseases is highlighted throughout; Expanded discussions
of topics such as antimicrobial resistance, off-label drug usage, vaccines,
and advances in imaging techniques; Extensively revised Behavior and Immunology
sections; Reorganized Toxicology section for easier reference
Ten Brand-New Chapters: African Hedgehogs; Biology of the Immune
System; Cloning of Domestic Animals; Complementary and Alternative Veterinary
Medicine; Disorders of Potassium Metabolism; Equine Metabolic Syndrome;
Poisonous Mushrooms; Porcine Circovirus Diseases; Pseudopregnancy in Goats;
Seminal Vesiculitis in Bulls
The Merck Manual has also been completely redesigned for easier reading.
Offering a colorful new look at animal health, this edition is truly indispensable.
2945 pgs.
c. 2010, 10th Edition, H/C...$60.00
New Choices In Natural Healing For Dogs & Cats
by: Shojai, Amy D.
This book is full of tips from over 100 Holistic Veterinarians with more
than 1000 holistic remedies for over 100 illnesses & conditions. 466 pgs.
Noninfectious Diseases of Wildlife (1st Edition)
Includes the effect of Toxic substances, physiological conditions, trauma.
c.1982...H/C, 1st Ed...$28.95
Pain Management for the Small Animal Practitioner
(First Edition)
by: Tranquilli, William J. DVM & Grimm, Kurt A. DVM & Lamont, Leigh A. DVM
Contents: Pain terminology, physiology, perception and strategies for management;
analgesic drug formulary and techniques; managing pain for specific conditions
and procedures including trauma patient guidelines; controlling chronic
pain. Illustrations. (w/CD-ROM) 125 pgs.
c. 2000, 1st Ed, S/C, Spiral bound, w/CD-ROM ...$20.00
Used, Out of Print
Condition: Like New
Parasites Of Dogs
The parasites included in this book are the helminth parasites (nematodes,
cestodes, & trematodes) & the arthropod parasites (ticks, mites,
lice & flies). The first part is an introduction or summary of the
several most important internal & external parasites of the host species.
The second part is an overview of the parasite groups, their life cycles,
seasonal variations in numbers, damage caused to hosts, & control
measures. The third part provides a detailed description of each significant
parasite & is intended to serve as referece material. Includes a glossary
of terms & a list of references. Line drawings & color photos.
69 pgs.
c. 1988, S/C...$12.50
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Pet First Aid: Cats & Dogs
by: Mammato, Bobbie, DVM, MPH
Designed to provide assistance and guidance to the pet owner in case of
an emergency, this book includes coverage of CPR, choking, bleeding, trauma,
poisoning, thermal emergencies, various wounds, and more. Suggestions
are also given for items to be included in a pet first aid kit, plus tips
on regular pet care, neutering and spaying, and traveling with pets. 150
illustrations. 114 pgs.
c. 1997, S/C, Spiral...$12.95
Pictoral Anatomy Of The Cat
by: Gilbert, Stephen
This book is designed for use as a dissection guide in comparative vertebrate
anatomy or in mammalian anatomy. The illustrations are designed to enable
the instructor to point out the important features of areas which cannot
be dissected in detail by every student. Chapters: skeleton, muscles,
digeative & respiratory systems, urogenital system, circulatory system,
nervous system, eye, ear, along with a bibliography & definitions
of descriptive terms. The author uses a combination of diagrammatic marginal
illustrations, which are labeled directly, & larger realistic illustrations
which are labeled with numbered keys. 120 pgs.
c. 1975, Rev Ed, S/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, no writing or highlighting
Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook - 7th Edition: Desk Edition
by: Plumb, Donald
Now in a fully updated seventh edition, Plumbs Veterinary Drug Handbook
remains the most complete source of drug information relevant for animals
available. Providing referenced dosing recommendations in each monograph,
this book offers doses for a wide range of species, including dogs, cats,
exotic animals, and farm animals, in a single resource. The book also
includes detail on key aspects for appropriate use of each drug, including
pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, contraindications, adverse effects, safety
during pregnancy or nursing, overdoses, drug interactions, monitoring,
chemistry and stability, storage, compatibility, and available products.
The seventh edition adds 22 new drug monographs, as well as updated dosages
and information for existing drugs. A noteworthy feature is the Prescriber
Highlights section found at the beginning of each monograph that allows
readers a quick method of finding important information for that drug.
Plumbs exhaustive one-volume coverage of drugs approved for veterinary
species and non-approved (human) drugs that are used in veterinary practices
today make this book an essential reference for veterinarians, veterinary
technicians, veterinary pharmacologists, pharmacists with veterinary patients,
animal research or zoological facilities, and libraries that serve these
groups. 1208 pgs.
c. 2011, 7th ed, S/C...$83.99
Poisonous Plants: A Veterinary Guide to Toxic Syndromes
by: Fowler, Murray DVM
Diagnostic tool, approx. 1000 color photos, approx 30 minutes of digitized
clinical signs on a CD-ROM.
c.1998...CD-ROM (PC)...$89.95
Practical Home Veterinarian
by: Roberts, Dr. David
A book containing much valuale information on the care and treatment of
cattle, horses, swine, sheep and poultry and a review in alphabetical
order of the diseases to which they are subject, together with the causes
and symptoms ad the most efficient medicines for each.
c. 1913, H/C...$37.50
Used, Hard-To-Find, Out-Of-Print, Quantities
Practical Lambing & Lamb Care: 3rd Edition
by: Eales, Small, & Macaldowie
A first aid manual for all sheep farmers and veterinary students: with
essential info on improving lamb mortality and avoiding stress at lambing
time, new material on zoonotic infections, handling and storage of drugs,
flock health plans, considerations for organmic producers, color photos
to aid in diagnoses and treatment of diseases. B/W & color photos. 247
c. 2004, 3rd Ed, S/C...$75.99
Practical Lambing & Lamb Care: 2nd Edition
by: Eales, Small, & Macaldowie
A first aid manual for all sheep farmers and veterinary students: with
essential info on improving lamb mortality and avoiding stress at lambing
time, new material on zoonotic infections, handling and storage of drugs,
flock health plans, considerations for organmic producers, color photos
to aid in diagnoses and treatment of diseases. B/W & color photos.
c.1995, 2nd Ed, H/C...$31.95
Out-Of-Print, New Condition, Quantities Limited
Professional Handbook Of The Donkey (4th Ed)
by: Svendsen, Elisabeth MBE, & Duncan, James BVMS, PhD, MRCVS &
Hadrill, David BVCs, MSc, MRCVS
For over twenty years 'The Professional Handbook' has been the definitve
text for veterinary surgeons & others with a serious interest in donkey
medicine & surgery. Much of the knowledge in this book comes from
the meticulous records kept on every donkey at the Donkey Sanctuary in
Devon, England. The skill of the Sanctaury's veterinary surgeons, non-intrusive
research and observations by the staff who care daily for the donkeys
have contributed greatly. In this 4th edition the contents have been completely
revised & expanded & new chapters and a Formulary have been added.
Chapters include: nutrition, colic, hyperlipaemia, dental problems, parasites,
respiratory problems, skin disorders, wound management, the foot, conditions
of the eye, clinical pharmacology, care of the gariatric dobkey, exotic
infections, anaesthesia & sedation, surgery, reproduction, nursing
care, community animal health workers, & performing a post-mortem.
With appendices on: physiological, haematological & biochemical parameters;
formulary; hearth girth nomogram; nutrient content of common foods fed
to donkeys in the UK; care of orphaned & rejected foals; opthamalmic
exam sheets, dental exam sheets (Triadan chart) & post-,ortem form;
rig test; fertility of mules; & useful information. This book is indispensable
to veterinarians working with donkeys & mules anywhere in the world.
Profusely illustrated in color. 438 pgs.
c. 2008, S/C...$49.95
Pygmy Goats: Management & Veterinary Care
by: Boldrick, Lorrie DVM
Chapter headings include: Normal pygmy goat (normal values, description
and anatomy), Management (housing, feeding, vaccination, parasites, hoof
trimming, reproduction, neonatal care, fetal development, milking, necropsies),
Veterinary care techniques (signs to check for illness, restraint, medications),
Diseases and Surgical management (anesthesia, castration, cryptorchidism,
ovariectomy, wattle removal, mastectomy, debleating, dehorning). The appendix
includes drug doses. 237 pages, B/W photos and illustrations.
c. 1996, S/C...$20.00
Ratite: Management, Medicine & Surgery
Edited by: Tully, Thomas Jr & Shane, Simon
This volume is intended as a guide to the diagnosis and prevention of
infectious diseases and metabolic conditions in commercial ratites. The
industry requires a professional and proactive approach to the enhancement
of productivity and amelioration of managerial, environmental, and disease-related
problems. Included is a comprehensive approach to enhancing ratite productivity
through integration of scientific knowledge of nutrition, management,
disease control, and therapy. There are contributions by more than 15
experts in specific fields. 214 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$62.00
Reproduction In Mammals: Book 4: Reproductive Patterns
A basic text & companion work to clinical textbooks of obstetrics & gynacology.
Discussions of species differences, reprodcutive behavior, & the effects
of environmental factors. 136 pgs.
c. 1972, S/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Restraint & Handling Of Wild & Domestic Animals: 1st Edition
by: Fowler, Murray E.
Ropework, chemical restraint, stress, thermoregulation, medical problems
during restraint. Domestic animals include: horses, donkeys, mules, cattle
& bovids, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, laboratory rodents & rabbits, poultry,
waterfowl. Wild animals include: montremes, marsupials, small mammals,
carnivores, primates, marine mammals, elephants, hoofed stock, birds,
reptiles, amphibians, and fish. B/W photos. 332 pgs.
c. 1978, 1st Ed, H/C...$50.00
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Restraint of Domestic Animals
by: Sonsthagen, T. F.
This book was written to bring together descriptions of restraint techniques
published in many other sources and to provide a how-to book. It was designed
to teach veterinary technician students the basic restraint techniques
they will use. Covers restraint techniques for: cats, dogs, horses, cattle,
pigs, sheep, goats, rodents, rabbits, ferrets, & birds; along with
a chapter on how to tie knots. Includes many line drawings for each animal.
149 pgs.
c. 1991, S/C...$34.95
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: New
Restraint of Domestic Animals
by: Sonsthagen, T. F.
This book was written to bring together descriptions of restraint techniques
published in many other sources and to provide a how-to book. It was designed
to teach veterinary technician students the basic restraint techniques
they will use. Covers restraint techniques for: cats, dogs, horses, cattle,
pigs, sheep, goats, rodents, rabbits, ferrets, & birds; along with
a chapter on how to tie knots. Includes many line drawings for each animal.
149 pgs.
c. 1991, S/C...$29.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, name in front
cover, animal clinic stamp on front page, otherwise like new inside
Review Questions & Answers for Veterinary Technicians (3rd Ed)
by: Colville, Thomas
Over 2800 multiple choice questions with answers on: anatomy &
physiology, anesthesiology, animal care, dentistry, emergency care, hospital
management, lab animals, lab procedures, medical calculations, medical
nursing, medical terminology, pharmacology, radiography, surgical nursing.
This edition includes a companion CD-ROM with an additional 2,400 questions.
Prepare for final examinations, state certification examinations and the
Veterinary Technician National Examination with this book and accompaning
CD. 344 pgs.
c. 2003, Third Edition, S/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good, Used, with some underlining
Ruminant Surgery: A Textbook of the Surgical Diseases of Cattle, Buffaloes,
Camels, Sheep & Goats
by: Tyagi, RpS & Sinh, Jit
CBS Veterinary Science Text. Contents: Historical Perspectives; General
surgical considerations & fluid therapy; Antimicrobial therapy; wound
healing & tissue repair; suture material; anaesthesia; the integumentary
system; the abdominal wall & peritoneum; the digestive system; hernia;
respiratory & cardiovascular system; the urinary system; the genital
system; the musculoskeletal system; physiotherapy; the nervous system;
the special sense organs; neoplasms; postoperative care; electrocardiography;
& diagnostic radiology. B/W photos. 484 pgs.
c. 1993, (Reprint 2010), S/C...$85.00