Introduction To Dog Agility
Bonham, Margaret
Covers all aspects of dog agility competition, shows how to evaluate a
dog's physical fitness, offers diet recommendations for dogs in agility
training, advises on positive agility training methods, describes agility
competitions & requirements. Filled with full-color how-to photos. 212
c. 2000, S/C...$14.95
Just Elephants
Base, William
Capture, training, way of life in the jungle.
c. 1955, H/C...$57.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Kicked, Bitten & Scratched
by: Sutherland, Amy
Life & lessons at the world's premier school for exotic animal trainers.
The Exotic Animal Training & Management Program at California's Moorpark
has been called "America's teaching zoo" & the "Harvard
for exotic animal trainers." Whatever you call it, this institution
of learning offers a curriculum unlike any other. Its courses provide
incomparable training for animal professionals destined for jobs at zoos,
aquariums, animal sanctuaries, research studios, & Hollywood. It shepherds
readers through the school's unique academic regimen, following students
as they learn to interact with cougars, baboons, snakes, wolves, tortoises,
mule deer, camels, servals, & rats. 320 pgs.
c. 2006, H/C...$25.95
Know Obedience & Show Training
Schneider, Earl
Teaching aids, hand signals, CD, DCX,UD, tracking, dog shows, and the
show ring.
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Koehler Method Of Dog Training: Certified Techniques By Movieland's
Most Experienced Dog Trainer
by: Koehler, William
This book's methods are applicable to those dogs that resist training
as well as those who do not. The objective of this book is to enable the
reader to train the dog he know has, regardless of its conduct or character.
Chapters: fables & foibles, correct equipment, the foundation, heeling,
sitting, the automatic sit, the sit-stay, down, down-stay, stand-for-examination,
recall, finish, polishing, the throw-chain, the light line, don't lose
it - use it. Covers problems such as: bolting, running away, gate charging,
staying home, chewing, barking, whining, howling, biting, overly possive,
chase-happy, housebreaking, dog fighting, jumping on people, digging,
stealing, carsickness, obedience competition, & more. B/W photos.
208 pgs.
c. 1962, H/C... $22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Lads Before The Wind: Adventures In Porpoise Training
Pryor, Karen
Written by the head trainer at Hawaii's Sea Life Park & Oceanic Institute.
In this book the reader learns almost as much about human behavior as
about porpoise behavior. Starting from scratch, with a report on operant
conditioning in one hand and a bucket of fish in the other, Karen Pryor
learned to train porpoises, learned to train trainers, and gradually came
to be recognized as an international authority on whale and porpoise behavior
and training. B/W photos. 278 pgs.
c. 1975, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Lady & Her Tiger
Derby, Pat
The author shares how she trained a tiger and other animals with love
and struggled to save. B/W photos. 284 pgs.
c. 1976, H/C...$20.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Lady & Her Tiger
Derby, Pat
The author shares how she trained a tiger and other animals with love and
struggled to save. B/W photos. 284 pgs.
c. 1976, S/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Livestock Protection Dogs: Selection Care & Training
by: Sims, David & Dawydiak, Orysia
Breeds, selecting a puppy, arrival of puppy, the adolescent dog, mature
livestock protection dog, behavioral problems & solutions, as a family
companion, diet, health. B/W photos. 128 pgs.
c. 1990, H/C...$19.95
Condition: Very good, ex-library, color fading
on binding, inside like new except usual library markings
Living With Big Cats: Story Of Jungle Larry, Safari Jane & David Tetzlaff
by: Rendell, Sharon
Chronicles the famous Tetzlaff family, who was known for training big
cats. Gives behind the scenes experiences raising and working with tigers,
leopards, & lions; the rapport of trainers and their charges; interviews
with famous trainers (including David Tetzlaff & Jack Hanna); tells
how animal shows have changed over the years; has humorous stories about
when things don't go as planned. Over 100 photos, many in color. 222 pgs.
c. 1995, S/C...$11.95
Llamas On The Trail: A Packer's Guide
by: Harmon, David & Rubin, Amy
Covers all the basics - from selecting, training & conditioning, to packing
equipment, planning trips, & hitting the trail. B/W photos. 170 pgs.
c. 1992, S/C...$15.00
Making Friends, Training Your Dog Positively
by: Colflesh, Linda
A highly accessible training book for new and inexperienced dog owners
Filled with positive, proven training techniques and a healthy dose of
common sense, Making Friends shows readers how to train a dog effectively
while remaining the dog's best friend. Veteran dog trainer Linda Colflesh
helps readers understand dog behavior and explains in plain English how
to make the training process easy, fun, and effective, from housebreaking
to teaching everyday commands. 224 pgs.
c. 1990, H/C...$17.95
Minds & Manners Of Wild Animals
by: Hornaday, William
Language, intelligence, mental traits, training, fear, fighting.
c. 1922, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Mother Knows Best: Natural Way To Train A Dog
by: Benjamin, Carol Lea
Reward & punishment, puppy etiquette, basic obedience training, off-leash
puppy, trouble shooting, class, off-leash dog, and games to play with
your dog. B/W photos. 256 pgs.
c. 1985, H/C...$22.95
Mush! A Beginner's Manual of Sled Dog Training
Edited (Sierra Nevada Dog Drivers, Inc)
An indispensible resource for anyone who is thinking about becoming active
in this exciting sport. Starts with the very basic considerations such
as buying dogs and equipment, it leads the reader through every important
consideration. Training, riding, traveling, race strategy, and more are
all discussed and profusely illustrated.It is tailored to sled-doggers
of all levels of interst - from the beginner to the old-pro. Illustrated,
B/W photos. 250 pgs.
c. 1976, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Inside Good, Outside shows
My Life In The Wild
by: Tors, Ivan
The Adventurous Life of the Man Who Brought Flipper, Gentle Ben, Judy
the Chimp, Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion, Namu The Killer Whale and Other
Magnificent Animals to the Screen. 209 pgs.
c. 1979, H/C...$10.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Olympic Game Farm
by: O'Hara, Maggie
Photographs and text about a game farm that houses trained animals.
c. 1978, S/C... $15.00 VG 07990311
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Oxen: A Teamsters Guide
by: Conroy, Drew
How to: select a team, feeding, housing, train calves & mature cattle,
fit a yoke & bows, deal with a problem team, trim feet, use oxen for farming
& logging, competitions & events. B/W photos. 354 pgs.
c. 1999, S/C...$25.00
Oxen: A Teamsters Guide (Storey's Working Animals)
by: Conroy, Drew
Stalwart and powerful, oxen can plow fields, haul stones, assist in logging,
improve roads, and demonstrate traditional farming techniques. And they
are stronger, steadier, less expensive, and easier to keep than draft
horses. Here is the definitive guide to selecting, training, feeding,
and caring for working oxen. With proper care and training, oxen can be
a dependable, economical alternative to heavy machinery on small working
farms. How to: select a team, feeding, housing, train calves & mature
cattle, fit a yoke & bows, deal with a problem team, trim feet, use oxen
for farming & logging, competitions & events. B/W photos. 291 pgs.
c.2007, S/C...$24.95