A Guide to Better Hatching
by: Stromberg, Janet
All about fowl incubation. Structure of the egg, formation of the egg,
fertility of the egg, management of breeder stock, 10 commandments for
successful hatching, artificial insemination, historical poultry facts,
hatching time table. 107 pgs.
A Guide to Raising Chickens
by: Damerow, Gail
Contains everything from starting your own flock to putting eggs on the
table. 341pgs.
c. 1995, S/C...$18.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
A Handbook of Poultry & Game Bird Diseases
by: Curtis, Peter
Strategic information in note form for vet students & others. Chapters on:
Types of flock, Vaccination & medication, Poultry welfare, diseases. 108
c. 1996, 4th Ed, S/C...$24.95
ABC of Poultry Raising: A Complete Guide for the Beginner or Expert
by: Florea, J. H.
Getting started, equipment, rearing chicks, disease, parasites, breeding,
c.1977...S/C, 2nd Ed, Rev...$6.95
American Standard of Perfection 1998 - B/W Photos
by: American Poultry Association
A complete description of all recognized breeds and varieties of domestic
poultry. Descriptions include disqualifications, standard weights, shapes
& colors of body parts for both males and females. B/W photos. 275 pgs.
American Standard of Perfection 2001 - Color Photos
by: American Poultry Association
A complete description of all recognized breeds and varieties of domestic
poultry. Descriptions include disqualifications, standard weights, shapes
& colors of body parts for both males and females. Color photos. 372 pgs.
An Introduction To Exhibition Poultry (Vol. 1)
by: Kay, Ian
The author shares his vast experiences and family success of over 40 years
raising and showing exhibition birds. B/W & Color photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1988, S/C...$13.50
An Introduction To Exhibition Poultry (Vol. 2)
by: Kay, Ian
The author shares his vast experiences and family success of over 40 years
raising and showing exhibition birds. B/W & Color photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1988, S/C...$13.50
Artificial Incubation & Rearing
by: Batty, Joseph
Egg & incubation, formation of the egg, reproduction process, incubators,
small-scale & large-scale incubation, incubator problems, final development
& hatching, rearing. B/W photos & illustrations. 183 pgs.
c. 1994, S/C...$19.95
Bantam Breeding & Genetics
by: Jeffrey, Fred
History, breeds & varieties, breeding, incubation & brooding, behavior,
management, diseases, feeding, and exhibiting. 308 pgs.
c. 1977, H/C...$45.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Bantam Chickens
by: Jeffrey, Fred
Chapters on: History, as a hobby, breeds & varieities, feeding, breeding
- an art and a science, incubatuion & brooding, behavior, management,
diseases, & exhibiting. B/W photos, illustrations, charts. 308 pgs.
c. 1976, 2nd Ed, Spiral, S/C...$32.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, some wear on
outside cover, no writing or tears
Bantams & How To Keep Them
by: House, C.A.
Reprint of a book orginally published in the early 1920's. It was written
for the benefit of the backyard poultry keeper as well as assissting the
show bantam enthusiast. Informative chapters on: housing, breeding, rearing,
general management, exhibiting, washing, game bantams, Old English Game,
Rosecombs, Sebrights, Malays, Indian Game, Minorcas, Leghorns, Andaulsians
& Spanish, Nankins, Burmese, Sultans, Japanese, Rumpless, Polish, Wyandottes,
Pekins, Brahams, Booted, Plymouth Rocks, Scots Greys, Anaconas, Hamburghs,
Sussex, Barnevelders, Rhode Island Red, & Frizzles. B/W photos. 118 pgs.
c. Early 1920's, Reprint 2005, S/C...$17.95
Bantams For Everyone
by: Smith, H. Easom
History, buying foundation stock, housing, equipment, feeding, breeding,
show preparation, guide to color breeding, the breeds described, as layers.
B/W Photos. 188 pgs.
c. 1967, H/C...$29.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Conditon: Good
Bantams In Colour (Gold Cockerel Series)
by: Roberts, Michael
Colour photographic book of 40 breeds of bantams & miniature fowl. 48
Bantams: A Complete Pet Owners Manual
by: Fritzsche, Helga
Husbandry and care, diseases, breeding, feeding, behavior, breed varieties.
Book Of Bantams For The Beginner, Breeder, Exhibitor & Judge
by: American Bantam Association
Information on over 70 breeds of bantams. Modern game bantam requirments,
breeding, cross-breeding, hatching, diseases, exhibition, housing, facts,
feeding, dubbing. B/W illustrations. 104 pgs.
c. 1967, S/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Book On Chickens
by: Davis, Lowell
The same character-collectibles that have made Lowell Davis a spokesman
for folk art & simple living come to life in this charming, full color story
of two romantic chickens named Big Jack & Goldie. The story of their romance,
courtship and marraige preserves the values of a simpler time. Along with
and all the delightful other characters this book will touch the hearts
and humors of readers. It is a unique perspective on traditional values
and home-grown storytelling. Delightful color illustrations. 50 pgs.
c. 1992, H/C...$10.00
Books on Poultry and Cock Fighting
by: Norris, John E.
Gives all information on all books about Poultry and cock fighting.
c. 1977, S/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Breeds Of Poultry...& Their Characteristics
by: Batty, Joseph
Breed breakdown with descrpition, characteristics, productive qualities,
British Large Fowl (Gold Cockerel Series)
by: Roberts, Michael & Victoria
Color pictures & info on over 20 breeds. 64 pgs.
British Poultry Standards
Edited by: Roberts, Victoria
Complete specifications and judging points of all standardized breeds
and varieties of poultry as compiled by the specialist Breed Clubs and
recognized by the Poultry Club of Great Britian. Contains color photos,
general characteristics of males & females, colors, weights, scale of
points, and seroius defects. Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks. 368 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C...$69.99
Building Chicken Coops
by: Damerow, Gail
Planning, space, ventilation, temperature, flooring, bedding, roosts,
nests and nest boxes, feeders, water, tips for keeping chickens in cages,
free range, fencing. 32 pgs.
c. 1999, Booklet...$3.95