Pastured Poultry Profits
by: Salatin, Joel
Net $25,000 in 6 months on 20 acres. Getting started, choosing a breed,
chicks, ration, the pen, processing & slaughter, sicknesses, disease,
weather, stress, marketing, laying hens, turkeys & exotics. B/W photos.
371 pgs.
c. 1996, S/C...$35.00
by: Jackson, Christine
The bird itself, as Christine E. Jackson notes in Peacock, appears to
enjoy its audience, preening and strutting about within a few feet of
humans. It is not surprising, then, that these vain birds and their distinctive
feathers have been the prized possessions of kings for nearly three thousand
years. Jackson here explores the peacock's beauty'and its apparent attitude
- through fairy tales, fables, and superstitions in both Eastern and Western
cultures. Peacock takes stock of the bird as it appears within art, from
the earliest mosaics to medieval illuminated manuscripts to modern graphics,
with a special emphasis on the peacock's symbolic value in the nineteenth-century
arts and crafts and art nouveau movements. Jackson further details the
peacock's colorful presence in hats, clothing, and even sports equipment.
A sweeping combination of social and natural history, Peacock is the first
book to bring together all the shimmering, colorful facets of these magnificent
birds. B/W & Color photos. 192 pgs.
c. 2006, S/C...$19.95
Peacocks Past & Present (Gold Cockerel Series)
by: Roberts, Michael
Peacocks thru the ages and in mythology, wild peacocks in India, types
of peafowl, color mutations, general management & breeding, incubation,
hatching, rearing, food & diseases. Color photos. 64 pgs.
c. 2003, S/C...$19.95
Pea Fowl Breeding & Management
by: Stromberg, Loyl
Contains information on pea fowl history, body & plumage features, breeding,
incubation, feeding, breeds, pea fowl diseases & problems, selling & shipping
pea fowl, sexing, pea fowl clubs. B/W & color photos. 80 pgs.
Peafowl Of The World
by: Bergmann, Josef
History, general description, species, management, in art. 16 color plates.
99 pgs.
c. 1980, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Pekin Bantams
by: Gregson, Margaret
Explains their early history & discusses many of the personalities involved,
past & present. Covers: Selection, housing, breeding, brooding, feeding,
common ailments, & general management. Well illustrated with B/W & color
photos of prize winning birds & essential equipment for keeping them.
136 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$25.00
Pet Birds For Home & Garden
by: Harper, Don
Choosing a bird, catching, handling, feeding, basic health care, breeding,
cages, indoor flights, in the garden, outdoor flights, henhouses & dovecotes,
enclosures for waterfowl. Covers: finch, parrot, softbill, pigeon, dove,
poultry, pheasant, waterfowl. 35 artwork illustrations & 250 Color photos.
208 pgs.
c. 1986, H/C...$30.00
Pictorial Poultry-Keeping
by: Batty, J.
Covers poultry: (systems of poultry keeping, houses & appliances, utility
breeds, cross-matings, hybrids, sexes, foods, poultry manure, egg production
in winter, cleaning eggs, the moult, feather plucking & egg-eating, ailments
& diseases, parasites), ducks: (breeds for eggs, housing, feeding, breeding),
geese: popular breeds, housing & management, rearing), turkeys: (popular
breeds, housing & runs, methods of feeding, breeding, rearing), guinea
fowl & bantams. B/W photos throughout. 208 pgs.
c. 1988, 4th Ed, S/C...$19.95
Pocketful Of Poultry: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys
by: Ekarius, Carol
Poultry in a pocket-size book? Why not, when the birds in question are
neatly corralled into an appealing little volume, just right for gift
giving, easy browsing, or tucking into a bag or pocket for quick reference
at a poultry show or auction. More than 100 poultry pals show their amazing
colors in full-page images that capture their good looks and lively personalities.
Intricate feather patterns, imposing crests and wattles, and grinning
beaks are just a few of their appealing features. From laying hens to
heritage turkeys to adorable ducks, here are all the common barnyard favorites,
plus rare breeds from around the world. Facing each poultry portrait is
an informational page offering facts about the breed and a handy at-a-glance
reference bar identifying the type of poultry (chicken, turkey, duck,
goose), its primary use (laying, meat, game, or ornamental bird), and
its conservation status. Color photos. 272 pgs.
c. 2007, S/C, Pocketsize...$10.95
Popular Ducks, Geese & Turkeys
by: Blake, James
Duck, geese, turkey
Poultry & Waterfowl Problems (Gold Cockerel Series)
by: Roberts, Michael
A poultry keeper's & veterinary guide to diseases & complaints of hens,
geese, ducks & turkeys. 96 pgs.
c. 1998, S/C...$19.95
Poultry At Home: A Guide To Poultry Health & Management (Video)
by: Roberts, Victoria
A beginner's guide to poultry health and management. Victoria Roberts
illustrates the various points to consider when choosing a breed, then
goes on to discuss housing, handling, feeding and general care, using
over 50 pure breeds. 77 Minutes.
c.1993, VHS, 77 min...$34.95
Poultry Colour Guide
by: Batty, Dr. J.
Color illustrations of all main colors of poultry with brief descriptions
of large fowl, bantams, ducks, geese, turkey, & guinea fowl. 80 pgs.
c. 2001, H/C, 6th Ed...$37.95
Poultry For Anyone
by: Victoria Roberts
This book describes 44 breeds of poultry, giving the colors of plumage
available, the history of the breed, what makes a good specimen, utility
and special requirements in terms of husbandry, and its character. It
not only describes the breeds, but also lists their egg production and
practical uses, gives hints on preparation for showing plus a section
on housing and management, all based on the author's lifelong practical
experience. 90 full color photographs. 142 pages.
c. 1998...H/C...$38.95
Poultry Health & Management: Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Geeses, Quail
by: Sainsbury, David
Health, diseases, feeding, environmental requirements of poultry, the
poultry house & ventilation, hygeine, systems of management, breeding
& hatching, management of poultry in hot climates, organic poultry production.
B/W photos & illustrations. 204 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C, 4th Ed...$65.99
Poultry Health Handbook 3rd Edition (Penn State - College of Ag)
by: Schwartz, L. Dwight, DVM
Covers: general information and fundamentals factors in disease prevention,
respiratory diseases, virus diseases, bacterial diseases, miscellaneous
diseases, protozoan diseases, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and
parasites of poultry. 208 pgs.
c. 1988, S/C, Spiral...$55.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, like new, no
Poultry House & Game Bird Shelter Plans
by: Environmental Concepts
A complete set of plans to help you build and operate your own poultry
house. This house is designed to support all varieties of game birds and
is perfect for the small-scale poultry hobbyist. The plans include helpful
notes on raising poultry and caring for the eggs and birds. Includes a
complete material list as well as details on how to make neccessary poultry
house equipment. 5 Sheet Detailed Plan Set on 11" X 17" Paper.
Detailed Plans...$12.95
Poultry House Construction (Gold Cockerel Series)
by: Roberts, Michael
A Do-It-Yourself (DIY) guide to building poultry houses & allied equipment.
Duck nest boxes, internal nest boxes, Boody-Bantam-Rabbit coop, trap nest
box, show box, bantam house, etc. 92 pgs.
c. 1997, S/C...$19.95
Poultry Houses & Appliances: A DIY Guide
Edited by: Batty, Joseph
A practical Do-It-Yourself (DIY) guide for making poultry houses & related
requirements at a great saving on ready made sheds, which often have to
be adapted. Chapters include: building of poultry houses, troughs & fountains,
inside nest boxes & trap nests, coops, special pens & scratching sheds,
hurdles & fences, various poultry houses described in detail, intensive
system poultry houses described in detail, principles in poultry house
construction, heated outdoor brooders or chick rearers, grain distributor
for poultry. Filled with illustrations & diagrams. 154 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C...$19.95
Poultry Of The World
by: Stromberg, Loyl
Chapters include: history of poultry, myths of domestic poultry, the egg
in fact and fantasy, historical poultry researchers, fighting cock and
geese, Long-Crowing chickens of the world, poultry tips, exhibition, scientific
facts, folklore, and a representation of poultry by country in full color
(includes guineas, chickens, ducks, geese.) Hundreds of color photos.
397 pgs.
Practical Poultry Keeping (9th Ed)
by: Batty J.
Natural & artificial incubation, chick rearing, feeding, housing, health.
c.1991, 9th Ed, S/C...$30.00
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Practical Poultry Keeping (11th Ed)
by: Batty, Dr. Joesph
This edition (11th) has been revised to give more emphasis to the recommended
methods of management, giving special attention to the phasing out of
battery cages. Covers: layers, table birds, ducks, geese, turkeys &
guniea fowl. Chapters on: breeding, incubation, chick brooding & rearing,
nutrition & feeding, managemnt of laying stock, table duckling production,
marketing poultry, egg quality, cost of prodcution, hygiene & santitaion,
diseases & parasites. B/W photos. B/W & Color illustrations. 207
c. 2000, 11th Ed, S/C...$30.00
Practical Poultry Keeping
by: Bland, David
Poultry breeds & uses, housing, equipping the poultry house, breeding,
sexing, common problems with eggs and how to avoid them, natural and artificial
incubation and rearing, nutrition, diet, rearing birds for the table,
effective planning and marketing, common diseases. Fully illustarted with
photos and explanatory line drawings. 159 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$35.00
Pure Breed Poultry Raising
by: Kemp, Rick
Gives both the novice & beginner a sensible formula for success. Published
in Australia.
c.1994, S/C...$12.95