Name That Cat
by: Cassidy, Doug
Over 1000 inventive and colorful names with descriptions of their origins.
118 pgs.
c. 1992, S/C...$10.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Natural Cat: A Holistic Guide For Finicky Owners
by: Frazier, Anitra & Eckroate, Norma
Covers: the high quality diet; physical and emotional effects of declawing;
the proper time to get a cat nuetered or spayed; training kittens to use
a litterbox; grooming; choosing a vet; how to talk to your cat, and much
more. 200 pgs.
c. 1981, S/C...$9.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited |
Natural Cat Care
by: Fogle, Dr. Bruce
A new holistic approach to caring for your cat. Learn to understand your
relationship with your cat & how you can affect its behavior &
well-being; create a more natural lifestyle for your cat with housetraining,
response training & grooming; provide a natural diet & optimum
nutrition for your cat at all stages of its life; treat ailments using
complementary treatments from acupuncture & homeopathy to massage.
Color photos & illustrations. 160 pgs.
c. 1999, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Natural Healing For Cats
by: Bonisch, Susanne
Homeopathic medication, compresses, poultices, herbal therapy, acupunture.
Take fewer trips to the vet by using the natural healing methods you can
learn to practice here. These treatments require no chemical or pharmaceutical
preparations, and the methods are easy to learn. Just as with people,
you treat the "whole animal" and not just the symptoms. See
how to make your own accurate diagnoses. Many natural healing remedies
you can find in your own medicine cabinet and kitchen, including salves,
lotions, herbs, and teas. Here's essential help for ensuring a healthy
life for your cat from prevention to treatment.
c.1996...S/C...$10.95 |
Natural Health Care For Your Cat
by: Deiser, Rudolf
A holistic approach to keeping you pet healthy. The normal feline life
cycle is explained along with the fundamental details of cat anatomy.
Dr. Rudolf Deiser advises regarding specific ailments and health problems
to which cats are prone, including accidental poisoning from houseplants
and household supplies, parasites, injuries, infection, birthing, and
general hygiene and nutrition. Glossary of terms. Full-color photos and
drawings throughout. 128 pgs.
c.1997...S/C...$8.95 |
Natural Health Cat Care Manual
by: Harper, Don
An innovative guide to keeping your cat in the best of health, naturally.
c.1993...H/C...$19.95 |
New Animal Doctor's Answer Book
by: Fox, Michael W.
Answers more than 1000 questions about the care & behavior of cats,
dogs, fish, birds, rabbits, hamsters & other companion animals - questions
covering: selecting pets, ailments & preventive medicine, babies &
animals, dental care, diet & feeding, phobias, depression, jealousy,
shyness, traveling with pets, vaccinations, landlords & pets, handling
& grooming, safety, & much more. 305 pgs.
c. 1989, S/C...$14.95
New Cat Handbook
by: Muller, Ulrike
Choosing a cat, health, care & feeding, breeding, showing, breeds, behavior.
It tells owners what they need to know about keeping a healthy contented
cat, whether pedigreed or of the ordinary house cat variety. It is written
and illustrated in much the same attractive fashion as the Complete Pet
Owner's Manuals but is somewhat longer and more extensive in its coverage.
144 pgs.
c.1984...S/C...$9.95 |
New Choices In Natural Healing For Dogs & Cats
by: Shojai, Amy D.
This book is full of tips from over 100 Holistic Veterinarians with more
than 1000 holistic remedies for over 100 illnesses & conditions. 466 pgs.
c.1999...H/C...$29.95 |
No Naughty Cats: The First Complete Guide to Intelligent Cat Training
by: Pirotin, Debra DVM & Cohen, Sherry
Step-by-step how to solve each of your cat's behavioral problems and make
a naughty cat fit completely and perfectly into your lifestyle. 165 pgs.
c. 1985, H/C...$12.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Noble Cat Aristocrat of the Animal World
by: Loxton, Howard
This book traces the history of all the cats from evolution through to
the most recently developed domestic breeds. It presents every species
and many varieties, detailing the characteristics of each; it describes
feline physiology and the operation of the cats' highly developed senses;
it investigates feline behavior through the mating, hunting, territorial
and social behavior of the wild species and feral and house-pet domestic
cats.There are hundreds of illustrations include many beautiful and amazing
photographs capturing animal behavior. 335 pages
c. 1990, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
On Older Cats
by: Lindley, Judith
On Older Cats presents a view of the aging cat in a most unique way. Rather
than being too technical, the information is given in layman language,
easily understood by anyone. The book begins with the first changes you
would notice, the outward appearances, then progresses to internal changes
and behavioral changes. Each item discusses, from eyes and ears to respiratory
system and even sleep behavior, is explained as normal functions followed
by results of normal aging and expected problems. Chapter V, What You
Can Do, covers everything from home care (diet and grooming to creature
comforts), travel care and the most important health care for your older
cat. There is also a section on alternative remedies, seldom found in
other cat books. And, of course, a section on the emotional topics of
euthanasia, pet loss and grieving. 302 pgs.
c. 2002, S/C... $18.95
Pet Care In The New Century: Cutting Edge Medicine For Dogs &
by: Shojai, Amy
The most up-to-date medical information available for happy, healthy pets,
this handy and accessible guide is arranged in an A-to-Z format and contains
all the current research and recommendations. Covers conditions ranging
from behavioral problems to inhertied disorders to life-threatening emergencies.
Plus you'll now how to ask the right questions of your vet. 333 pgs.
c. 2001, S/C...$14.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Pet Clean-Up Made Easy
by: Aslett, Don
Gives you all the info you need to clean up pet messes, including what
tools & products to use & where to find them - from cleaning methods
to stain removers to deodorizers. Inside this engaging, easy-to-read book,
readers not only learn how to clean up any pet mess, any time, but also
how to prevent such mishaps in the future. It was created in consultation
with a number of veterinarians, behavioral specialists, and other animal
experts, & helps readers transform their homes and environments in
all the problem areas, including: fleas, the stinky litterbox, pet hair,
stains on carpets and fabrics, & more. Complete with humorous illustrations.
134 pgs.
c. 1988, 1st Ed, H/C...$14.95
Pet Doctor
by: Caplan, Morton
Your total guide to dog & cat care, vaccinations, illness, disease, parasite.
c.1994...S/C...$19.95 |
Pet First Aid: Cats & Dogs
by: Mammato, Bobbie, DVM, MPH
Designed to provide assistance and guidance to the pet owner in case of
an emergency, this book includes coverage of CPR, choking, bleeding, trauma,
poisoning, thermal emergencies, various wounds, and more. Suggestions
are also given for items to be included in a pet first aid kit, plus tips
on regular pet care, neutering and spaying, and traveling with pets. 150
illustrations. 114 pgs.
c. 1997, S/C, Spiral...$12.95
Pets Living With Cancer: A Pet Owner's Resource
by: Downing, Robin DVM
This book, written by a vet whose dog had cancer, will answer your questions
about cancer and help you replace your fears with hope. 142 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C...$19.95
Hotel, Motel, Kennel & Petsitter Travel & Pets Directory
Over 10.000 listings of hotels, motels, and more where pets are permitted
to stay.
c.1995, 5th ed, S/C, ...$9.95
Pets Welcome
by: Kathleen & Robert Fish
A guide to hotels, inns & resorts in the continental United States that
welcome you and your pet. Includes addresses, phone numbers, room rates,
and a short description of each place. 480 pgs.
c. 2000...S/C...$19.95
Petspeak: Share Your Pet's Secret Language
More than 100 experts--including trainers, animal psychologists, behaviorists,
and movie stunt trainers--offer advice on communication with pets, from
body language and tone of voice to hand signals and choosing the right
name. Sidebars offer entertaining and instructive real-life pet profiles.
125 illustrations. 485 pgs.
c. 2000, S/C...$16.95
Pictoral Anatomy Of The Cat
by: Gilbert, Stephen
This book is designed for use as a dissection guide in comparative vertebrate
anatomy or in mammalian anatomy. The illustrations are designed to enable
the instructor to point out the important features of areas which cannot
be dissected in detail by every student. Chapters: skeleton, muscles,
digeative & respiratory systems, urogenital system, circulatory system,
nervous system, eye, ear, along with a bibliography & definitions
of descriptive terms. The author uses a combination of diagrammatic marginal
illustrations, which are labeled directly, & larger realistic illustrations
which are labeled with numbered keys. 120 pgs.
c. 1975, Rev Ed, S/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, no writing or highlighting
Playing with Cats
by: Sigrun Rittrich-Dorenkamp
This book gives information on what your cat is trying to tell you through
its behavior in play. The author suggests toys and play rituals, and offers
answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about cats and their
play. Learn the most important rules for play. Color photos & B/W illustrations.
64 pgs.
c. 2000... S/C...$6.95
Precious Memories: A Cat Lover's Diary
by: Leitner, Jan
Poet and artist Jan Leitner has truly captured the essence of the marvelous
cast of cat characters who've meandered into her head, heart, and hearth.
Leitner's incredible lifelike full-color artistic renderings beautifully
showcase the whimsy, humor, passion and wisdom of her rhymes, creating
a picture storybook that will delight cat loving readers of all ages.
c. 1992, H/C...$19.95
Psycho Kitty? Understanding Your Cat's Crazy Behavior
by: Johnson-Bennett, Pam (Feline Behavior Consultant)
Is your cat's behavior making you crazy? Feline behavior consultant Pam
Johnson-Bennett believes that trying to understand how your cat thinks
is a key to your cat's misbehavior. Johnson-Bennett shares real cases
to illustrate various problems and explains how she arrives at an appropriate
solution through behavior modification. Her method requires a positive
approach to correcting the behavior rather than punishment. She also uses
interactive toys, which she believes helps not only to correct the behavior
problem, but also to put the cat/owner relationship back in sync. 159
c. 1998, S/C...$12.95
Rescued: Saving Animals from Disaster: Life-Changing Stories &
Practical Suggestions
by: Anderson, Allen & Anderson, Linda C.
The inspiration for Rescued was the tragic situation with pets during
the Katrina disaster thousands refusing to leave without their
pets, and many animals dying due to official indifference to these "disposable"
creatures. Extensively trained in animal rescues, Allen and Linda Anderson
interviewed hundreds of volunteers, hurricane survivors, and government
officials for this book. Rescued offers both hope and practical suggestions,
as well as the latest information on official policy and how to help in
future catastrophes. It goes beyond the recent tragedies to talk about
the various rescue and sanctuary operations, what volunteers and staff
do, and how to help. Using a dramatic structure and photos, the book presents
the before, during, and after journeys of people separated from their
animals. Rescued puts attention on an unheralded world of animal shelters,
organizations, and brave individuals who made a difference during the
largest animal disaster in American history. Color & B/W photos. 347
c. 2006, S/C...$16.95
Rules For Cats
by: Mews, Fancy
Guidelines for cats to follow to "educate" their humans. Has
your cat been hinting for a diamond collar? Or maybe a crystal dish for
her pâté? Author Fancy Mews, a seal point Siamese and all-around
cool cat, offers guidance for your kitty on achieving the lifestyle she
deserves in The Rules for Cats. From rule number 2's suggestion to cultivate
the feline mystique--"try looking bored instead of merely lazy. An
expression of boredom will cause your person to feel guilty, and this
will work to your advantage"--to rule number 16's urging to be creative
at fashioning your own amusements--"discover which items in the home
entertainment center can be switched on and off with the touch of a paw"--the
18 rules to be found in this highly hilarious guide will enlighten both
owner and kitty alike. In the words of Ms. Mews herself, "you are
a feline unlike any other and you know it. Lest you forget your rightful
place in the universe, here is the ultimate guide for getting your way--always."
c.1998...H/C...$8.95 |
Scarlett Saves Her Family
by: Martin, Jane & Suares, J.C.
Here is a heartwarming portrait, in text and tender photographs, of the
brave homeless cat who captured world headlines and the heart of the nation
when she rescued her kittens from a burning building. This charming scrapbook
of a heroine's life reminds all readers what mother love, and life, are
really about. 50 photos, 25 in color. 95 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C...$20.00
Simon & Schuster Guide To Cats
by: Siegel, Mordecai
Identification, information to cats, covering shorthair & longhair breeds.
Over 200 full-color illustrations & photographs. 255 pgs.
c.1983, S/C...$16.00