Labrador Retriever |
All About Your Labrador Retriever
by: Wiles-Fone, Heather
All About Your Pets books are brief, attractive, inexpensively priced
manuals that teach inexperienced adults and older children to be responsible
in the ownership and care of animals. Books are filled with full-color
photos and illustrations, and feature short, entertaining "Did You
Know?" sidebars that offer unusual facts about each book's subject
animal. Inexperienced pet owners learn how to handle an animal without
harming it, and receive sound information on nutritive feeding, caging,
health maintenance, accident prevention, and first-aid measures to take
when an emergency arises. All About Your Pets volumes are nicely illustrated
and clearly written introductions to the joys of pet ownership. They are
a great value for anybody seeking solid basic information and instruction
at an affordable price. 33 pgs.
c. 1999, Booklet, S/C...$3.50
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: New
Labrador Retriever |
Labrador Retriever: The Dog That Does It All (Howell Best Of Breed)
by: Weiss, Lisa & Biegel, Emily
This is a book for pet owner, novice fancier and veteran alike. Learn
all about America's favorite breed: their personality, color, temperment,
their history, standards, finding the right dog, living with labs, basic
care, their coat, keeping it healthy, showing, obedience trials, performance
events, breeding, special care for the older lab, dogs & the law,
the labrador retriever club, & labs that serve. Includes appendices
on resources, titles labs can earn, recent national specialty winners,
theie standard through history & important pedigrees. Color photos.
239 pgs.
c. 1999, H/C...$24.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like new
Labrador Retriever |
Labrador Retrievers, A Complete Introduction
by: Nicholas, Anna Katherine
All the information you need about selecting & keeping a Lab - featuring
sections on the breed's history, training, health care, breeding, &
showing. Color photos. 126 pgs.
c. 1987, S/C...$5.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Lhasa Apso |
Lhasa Apsos: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
by: Wehrmann, Stephen DVM
Your new dog, crates, doghouses, traveling with, diet, grooming, general
care, disease prevention, parasites, emergency care & first aid, behavior,
training, breeding, understanding Lhasa Apsos. 72 pgs.
c. 1990, S/C...$6.95
Maltese |
Complete Maltese
by: Cutillo, Nicholas
Chapters on: Origins, In America 1869-1979, in America into the 1980s,
the Maltese around the world, the official AKC standard for the Maltese,
selecting a Maltese, grooming, showing, training, obedience training,
and a history of the American Maltese association and its specialty shows.
B/W photos. 351 pgs.
c. 1986, 1st Ed, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Maltese |
by: Giacomo, Kathy & Bergquist, Barbara
History of the breed, standards, owning & caring for, the puppy, obedience,
breeding, care of the mother & the new family, general health care,
dog show competition, building a kennel & exercise runs, grooming.
B/W photos & illustrations. 125 pgs.
c. 1983, H/C...$9.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Miniature Schnauzer |
Complete Miniature Schnauzer
by: Eskrigge, Anne Paramoure
The book is broken down into three sections. Section I - Past & Present
covers: standards, origin, American producing lines, the breed in Great
Britain, Canada, Bermuda, Mexico, South America, Pacific, Asia, Africa,
at work, and trimming & grooming for home or show. Section II - Genetics
& Breeding covers: general info on genetics, practical application of
genetics, breeding problems & solutions, color inheritance, and puppy
& litter size. Section III - all about the Black Miniature Schnauzer.
Over 175 B/W photos. 384 pgs.
c. 1968, H/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Miniature Schnauzer |
Know Your Miniature Schnauzer
by: Schneider, Earl
Choosing, feeding, grooming, training, handling, showing, first aid, common
illnesses, breeding & genetics. B/W & Color photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1967, S/C...$3.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Miniature Schnauzer |
Miniature Schnauzer: Your Happy, Healthy Pet
by: Gewirtz, Elaine Waldorf
This guide fills you in on their needs and attributes. Covering: The history
and traits of the breed; How to select your pet; Things you'll need to
make your pup feel at home; Feeding, exercise, training, and healthcare;
Grooming the double coat and the characteristic bushy beard, mustache,
and eyebrows. Color photos. 144 pgs.
c. 2006, 2nd Ed, H/C...$12.95
Mixed Breeds |
Know Your Lovable Mutt
by: Schneider, Earl
History of the breed, characteristics, choosing a dog, grooming, diet,
health, training, breeding, showing. Color photos. 64 pgs.
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, never opened - Still
wrapped in original celophane, slightly curved due to shrinkage of cellophane
Mixed Breeds |
Mixed Breed: An Owner's Guide To A Happy Healthy Pet
by: Stark, Jeannette
Happy, Healthy Pet guides focus on different kinds of pets, the emphasis
remains on making the pet a companion. In addition, owners of more unusual
pets will particularly appreciate the expert advice in these books because
professional care for their animals may be difficult to come by. As always,
the instruction is from experts. Chapters: Choosing a canine companion,
feeding, grooming, regular health care, and more.
c. 1996, H/C...$12.95
Mixed Breeds |
by: Dolensek, Nancy & Burn, Barbara
An entertaining, illustrated guide to the world's most famous underdog.
Read about mutt ancestry, lore, origins, how to find a good mutt, how
to train it, what to feed, how to travel with it, how to deal with psychological
problems, how to stop a dogfight, how to organize a mutt show, what to
do about a dog bite, how to cope with kid-dog relationships, the neuter-spay
controversy, pregnancy, birth, ticks, fleas, vets, procuts, services,
and much more. Cute illustrations, B/W photos. 287 pgs.
c. 1978, S/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Mixed Breeds |
Mutts: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
by: Frye, Fredric
Selection, care, nutrition, breeding, diseases, understanding mixed breeds.
Mixed Breeds |
Mutts: America's Dogs
by: Kilcommons, Brian & Capuzzo, Michael
The only complete guide to the #1 dog in America, the mutt -- including
heartwarming personal stories from the #1 expert on dog training and care,
Brian Kilcommons, author of Good Owners, Great Dogs and Pulitzer Prize-nominated
writer Michael Capuzzo. This is a guide to choosing, loving, & living
with out most popular canine. B/W Photos. 213 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C...$21.95
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Newfoundland |
In The Company Of Newfies: A Shared Life
by: Lerman, Rhoda
A year in the life of one Newf litter & in the lives of other newfs. 162
c. 1996, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Newfoundland |
In The Company Of Newfies: A Shared Life
by: Lerman, Rhoda
A year in the life of one Newf litter & in the lives of other newfs. 162
c. 1996, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, ex-librar, usual
library markings otherwise very clean inside
Newfoundland |
Newfoundland: Companion Dog - Water Dog
by: Bendure, Joan
This exhaustive study of the Newfoundland provides the standard,
history, and care essentials, as well as the breed's record in the show
ring and in competitive water trials. B/W photos. 242 pgs.
c. 1994, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good - like new
Newfoundland |
Ninety-Nine Newfies
by: Seawell, Pat
In this celebration of Newfoundland dogs, the reader will meet gentle
giants who perform heroic deeds, teach valuable lessons, flirt with stardom,
elicit smiles, and tug on heartstrings. The stories are first-person anecdotes,
which were collected from Newfy people in many parts of the world. Individually,
they sparkle. Collectively, they glow. Everyone who has ever experienced,
or longs to experience, a special relationship with an animal will cherish
this book. Newfoundland Health Challenge, a non-profit, tax-deductible
trust run by the Newfoundland Club of America, funds various scientific
research into Newfoundland health problems. Newfoundland Health Challenge
will receive 90% of the profits from this book. 211 pgs.
c. 2001, S/C...$13.50
Newfoundland |
This Is The Newfoundland
Official publication of the Newfoundland Club Of America
c. 1978, 2nd Ed...$19.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Norwich Terrier |
How To Raise & Train A Norwich Terrier
by: Fournier, Barbara
History, origin, description, temperment, breed requirments, grooming,
the new puppy, housebreaking, training, breeding, care of mother &
family, health, showing. B/W photos. 64 pgs.
c. 1967, S/C...$5.00 NM (3) - 2 still wrapped in cellophane
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Near Mint - still wrapped in original celophane
Old English Sheepdog |
All About the Old English Sheepdog
by: Gould, Jean
Practical advice to all those interested in the Old English Sheepdog -
includes choosing a puppy, exercise & kennel routine, grooming, showing,
breeding, feeding, training, common diseases & ailments, bobtails
in America. 136 pgs.
c. 1973, H/C...$8.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good w/dust jacket
Old English Sheepdog |
How To Raise & Train An Old English Sheepdog
by: Berkowitz, Mona
History, description and standards of the breed; grooming; the new puppy;
training; breeding; care of mother and puppies; health; showing. B/W photos.
64 pgs.
c. 1967, S/C...$3.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Old English Sheepdog |
Know Your Old English Sheepdog
by: Schneider, Earl
History of the old english sheepdog, choosing a sheepdog, good behavior,
feeding, grooming, training, health, first aid, life span. Color photos.
64 pgs.
c. 1967, S/C...$3.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Old English Sheepdog |
Old English Sheepdog
by: Brearley, Joan
The author, an experienced dog writer, exhibitor and breeder, here provides
a comprehensive volume on the Old English Sheepdog. This informative and
easy-to-use text is accompanied by over 200 full-color photos as well
as numerous black and white pictures. Contains history, in Great Britain
& America, leading kennels, the breed Standard, obedience, grooming,
showing, breeding, nutrition, dog shows and much, much more. Over 200
color & B/W photos. 320 pgs.
c.1989, H/C...$24.95
Old English Sheepdog |
Old English Sheepdogs
by: Brearley, Joan
Contents: history of the OES, description & standard, personality,
the puppy, obedience training, breeding, care of mother & new family,
general health care, dog show competition, building a kennel & runs,
& grooming. B/W phtos. 125 pgs.
c. 1980, H/C...$5.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good - like new
Old English Sheepdog |
Old English Sheepdogs
by: Woods, Sylvia & Owen, Ray
Contents: history & characteristics of the breed, buying, training,
caring for, helath & first aid, the family dog, breeding, showing,
the OES abroad, wearing your dog, the working OES. Along with appendices
on: usefull address & a table of champions. 12 pages of B/W photos.
240 pgs
c. 1981, H/C...$40.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Near Mint w/dust jacket
Old English Sheepdog
Your Old English Sheepdog
by: Boyer, Alice J.
Chapters cover: selecting a puppy, standards, grooming for show, grooming
the family dog, maintaining the dog's health, history of the Genus Canis,
early history of the Old English Sheepdog, in the US, pillars of the breed,
recent American Old English Sheepdogs of note, as a working dog, personality,
manners for the family dog, show competition, genetics, breeding &
whelping. B/W photos & illustrations. 160 pgs.
c. 1978, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, ex-library, usual library
markings, cover shows alot of wear, inside pages very good
Otter Hound |
How To Raise & Train An Otter Hound
by: Mouat, Hugh
Chapters on: History, grooming, care & training, breeding, health, showing,
new puppy, and more. 64 pgs.
c. 1965, S/C...$4.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited