Equine Acupressure: A Working Manual
by: Zidonis, Nancy & Snow, Amy & Soderberg, Marie
A hands-on approach to your horse's well-being. Chapters on: ancient healing
in modern times, traditional chinese medicine - an overview, equine meridian
system, equine accupressure points, equine acupressure treatment, equine
stretches, acupressure treatments for specific conditions (arthritis,
colic, cough, cold, edema, cribbing, founder, heaves, nech stiffness,
shock, vision problems & more), acupressure maintanance treatment.
B/W photos & clear, well-drawn illustrations.164 pgs.
c. 1999, 4th Ed, S/C...$29.95
Equine Behavior: Principles & Practice
by: Mills, Daniel & Nankervis, Kathryn
Understanding the flexibility and limits of behaviour is essential to
improving both the horse's welfare and its performance. This book tackles
the fundamental principles which will enable owners, riders, trainers
and students to understand scientific principles and apply them in practice.
Subjects covered include the analysis of influences on equine behaviour,
the perceptual world of the horse, learning and training techniques including
the latest developments in "join-up" and "imprint training."
240 pgs.
c. 1999, S/C... $34.95
Equine Color Genetics (1st Ed)
by: Sponenberg, D. Phillip
This book provides an explanation of genetic mechanisms that determine
colors, discusses colors in sequence from less common to more common,
explains each color "through the interactions of genetic phenomena
that build the colors step by step", examines patterns of white hair
that may be superimposed on colors, touches on folklore associated with
horse colors, and treats donkey color in a seperate section. Color photos.
156 pgs.
A new 2nd edition of this book is now available.
This first edition is now on sale - while supplies last!
c. 1996, H/C...$44.95 Sale Price
This Edition Out-Of-Print
Condition: Brand New
Equine Color Genetics (3rd Edition)
by: D. Phillip Sponenberg
Equine Color Genetics, Third Edition, presents the most recent advances
in color genetics for breeders of horses, donkeys, and mules. The book
provides valuable information that enables breeders to tailor their breeding
programs to maximize desired color outcomes and minimize undesired color.
The text bridges the gap between the scientific and lay communities without
ignoring the intricate and complex issues involved in horse and donkey
color genetics. This new edition presents more explicit and detailed explanations
than were previously possible, including a more extensive Appaloosa section.
The section on donkey colors includes the results of studies in the genetic
control of color in this species, which will greatly assist donkey breeders
as they tailor breeding programs to their own goals. 296 pgs.
c. 2009, 3rd Ed, H/C...$98.99
Equine Drugs & Vaccines: A Guide for Owners & Trainers
by: Kellon, Eleanor M., VMD
This book is a user-friendly guide to the medications and vaccinations
that are an everyday part of the horseperson's world. The backbone of
the book is a discussion of each of the most commonly used medications
-- their use, dosage, precautions, safety for pregnant mares, possible
drug interactions, etc. Very important for people competing with their
horses. It details each drug with regard to drug testing for both domestic
and international competition, with clearance times. It discusses alternatives
to drugs in many cases. Additional chapters discuss treatment of colic,
arthritis, eye problems, lung problems, infections, vitamins, minerals,
and much more. This book is fully indexed and cross referenced in an easy-to-use
spiral format. It is regarded as an indispensible reference tool by leading
horsepeople. 350 pgs.
c. 1994, Spiral, S/C... $39.00
Equine Fitness: A Conditioning Program of Exercises & Routines
for Your Horse
by: Ballou, Jec Aristotle
Get your horse in shape and maintain his overall fitness, regardless of
his age or abilities. Equine Fitness shows you how, with a simple conditioning
program made up of fun exercise routines specifically designed to enhance
your horse's strength and agility. Clear, step-by-step instructions and
detailed illustrations make the exercises easy to follow, and the book
includes a 48 pocket-sized cards that you can tear out and use while on
horseback or in the ring. 135 pgs.
c. 2009, S/C... $19.95
Equine Genetics & Selection Procedures
This book provides the modern principles of genetics of the horse in an
interesting, useful, easy-to-read presentation. It contains fascinating
details of successful selection methods used by leaders in the horse industry.
This is combined with information about powerful techniques based on solid
scientific research. This book will help you select superior horses for
breeding, racing, or showing. This is important reading for all horse
people, and essential for breeders. 542 pgs.
c.1978, H/C... $65.00
Equine Lameness
by: King, Christine
Everything you ever wanted to know about lameness in horses can be found
in this book. In a clear, easy-to-read style, this book explains the causes,
signs, diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses of all conditions causing
lameness or gait abnormality. It is carefully detailed, with hundreds
of photos, x-rays, drawings, and charts and all of the most current information.
This book was written by highly skilled equine veterinarians who are also
exceptional writers. All technical terms are carefully explained and/or
illustrated, so you will not be confused. Plus, the book has an extensive
appendix, glossary, and index. 1022 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C... $85.00
Equine Massage: A Practical Guide
by: Hourdebaight, Jean-Pierre
A step-by-step instruction & over 180 photos & diagrams to help
riders & professionals alike master equine massage techniques. This
authoritative guide gives detailed information about massage movements,
pressures, rhythms, & sequences. It includes: an intro to equine anatomy,
physiology, & kinesiology; practical info on stretching & hydrotherapy;
chapters on equine myofascial massage, Equine TMJ Dysfunction Syndrome,
Equine Muscular Compensation Phenomenon, & saddle fitting; a conformation
check-up routine; & info about areas of stress specific to each discipline
& technique. 331 pgs .
c. 2007, 2nd Ed, Spiral, S/C... $29.95
Equine Medical Disorders
by: Johnston, A..M.
Written specifically to be of practical help to vets in general practice
and also to students. Covering the whole field of equine disease, diagnosis
and management in a practical semi-note form, the book gives the basic
information that a busy practitioner actually needs, allowing rapid reference
and easy understanding, taking the reader concisely through the diagnostic
process up to treatment and prognosis. There are chapters on each major
system, each starting with a general view of history taking, clinical
examination, diagnosis and aetiology of problems of that organ system.
Specific diseases are then discussed; most following a standard pattern
of clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
and prevention. 224 pgs.
c. 1994, 2nd Ed, S/C... $55.00
Equine Nutrition
by: Hardman, A.C. Leighton
Protein requirment, role of vitamins & minerals, nutrient requirements.
c. 1980, H/C... $12.95
Equine Nutrition & Feeding
by: Frape, David
A clear and concise text covering every aspect of the nutrition of breeding,
growing and working horses, explaining the scientific basis upon which
conclusions are reached. Includes a comprehensive toxicology of grazing
horses and procedures for pasture management and procedures for calculating
diets for a variety of circumstances. Aimed at veterinary students and
postgrads, full time professional managers and others keeping horses.
390 pgs.
c. 1986, H/C... $45.00
Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding & Stud Management
by: Morel, Mina C.G. Davies
Comprehensive & detailed text for the owner striving to maximize productivity.
Provides a comprehensive text showing how horses can be successfully bred.
Includes how an understanding of reproduction in the stallion and mare can
be used to optimize breeding and stud management. For students and veterinarians.
450 pgs.
c. 1993, H/C...$49.95
Equine Science, Health & Performance
by: Pilliner, Sarah & Davies, Zoe
Details all the scientific knowledge required for effective horse care
and management. All the major systems of the horse, conformation, soundness,
movement, lameness, wounds, fitness, feeding. Line drawings. 300 pgs.
c. 1996, S/C...$42.95
Equine Supplements & Nutraceuticals
by: Eleanor M. Kellon, VMD
This book helps you develop the perfect diet for your horse. Size, age,
use, condition, health history, and athletic activity determine a horse's
complex nutritional requirments. This book presents a series of easy-to-follow,
color coded charts to help develop a feeding and supplement program that
will provide your horse with peak health and performance. Special sections
include the unique needs of pregnant mares, lactating mares, weanlings,
growing horses, and older horses. 240 pgs.
c. 1998, S/C...$34.95
Essential Equine Studies - Book One: Anatomy & Physiology
by: Brega, Julie
Anatomy and Physiology is part of a series of textbooks prepared for college
students on equine degree courses. Contents include: biochemistry, homeostasis,
biodiversity, immune respones, anatomy, physiology, connective tissue,
circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system,
sensory system, endocrine system, urinary system, reproductive anatomy
& genetics. Illustrated. 262 pgs.
c. 2005, S/C...$39.95
Essential Equine Studies - Book Two: Health, Nutrition & Fitness
by: Brega, Julie
This is the second book in a series of textbooks prepared for college
students on equine degree courses. Contents include: equine health &
health care, nutritional needs, equine digestion, feedstuffs & rationing,
physiological adaptaions to training, fittening programs & their management.
Color photos. Illustrations. 192 pgs.
c. 2005, S/C...$39.95
Essential Equine Studies - Book Three: Injury, Disease & Nursing
by: Brega, Julie
This is the third book in a series of textbooks prepared for college students
on equine degree courses. Contents include: accident prevention &
equine first aid, wound management, controlling inflamation, infectious
diseases, non-infectious diseases, lameness, managment of the sick &
injured horse. Color photos. Illustrations. 191 pgs.
c. 2007, S/C...$39.95
Essentail Horse Health: The Most Common Equine Health Problems Solved
by: O'Brien, Kieran
Horse owners constantly need to update their understanding of their horse's
health and to understand the actions of their vet in order to make informed
decisions and to protect the health of their animal. With this helpful
guide, readers will find information on the ten most common syndromes
a busy equine vet is faced with--from colic and lameness, to skin disease
and heart disease--along with thorough advice on dealing with them successfully.
Owners will find the sections, lists, and tables in this guide both easily
readable and infinitely helpful. Jammed pack full of color photos &
color illustrations. 160 pgs.
c. 2007, H/C...$29.99
Feeding & Nutrition: The Making Of A Champion
by: Kohnke, John BVSc, RDA
Practical information on the feeds, nutrition & diets for pleasure
& performance horses with easy-to-follow diet charts & hilite
hints. Covers all major horse types - and special situations such as the
fat horse, thin horse, drought, & feeding vices. It also shows you
how to assess the quality of grains & hays, how to check your rations,
& how to belnd your own feeds. 197 pgs.
c. 1992, S/C...$19.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Feeding To Win
This book was NOT written for the benefit of the horseman who wants to
"get by" - is was written for the serious horseman - the one
who truely cares for the welfare of his horse, whether it is for winning
a 4H project or for winning the Kentucky Derby. The information is presented
in definitve scientific terminology, sound enough to satisy the most competent
nutritionist. Contents: Digestive system, qualitative & qunatitative
nutruent requirements, water, vitamins, minerals, energy, grains, types
of feed,feed bag labels, processing of feeds, hays, pasturing horses,
good feeding management, nutrition & veterinary care, labroatory analysis,
digestive disturbances, internal parasites, teeth & digestion, feeding
problems, appetite, the art & science of feeding. B/W photos. 314
c. 1973, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Feeding Your Horse & Pony
by: Tuke, Diana R.
A practical guide to the correct feeding of horses and ponies, both grass-kept
and stabled, with special chapters on vitamin and mineral supplements,
additives, herbs, and modern products such as Horsehage. 85 pgs.
c. 1988... $14.95
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Feeds & Feeding (Threshold Picture Guides #10)
by: Watson, Mary Gordon
A guide to horse and pony feedstuffs and straightforward advice on feeding
horses and ponies. Roughage, hay, concentrates, hat, cooked foods, rationing,
feeding methods, storage. Color illustrations. 24 pgs.
c. 1994, Rev, Booklet...$12.95
Feeds & Nutrient Management for the Horse: Back to the Basics
by: Northrup, Arnold P.A.S.
Purchasing & feeding practices, forages, grains, supplements, nutrient
c. 1997, 3-Ring Binder... $65.00
First Aid (Threshold Picture Guide #12)
by: Holderness-Roddam, Jane
Straightforward advice on how to cope with common injuries and ailments,
when to call the vet, and what to do before the vet arrives. 24 pgs.
c. 1994, Booklet, Rev... $12.95
First Aid For Horses (Ward Lock Riding School Series)
by: Britton, Vanessa
A guide to recognizing and treating the symptoms of ill-health in horses.
This book covers what to do in emergencies such as a stable fire, provides
an A to Z of common illnesses and injuries with remedies, and gives advice
on actions such as giving injections and tack sores.
c. 1995, S/C... $12.95
First Aid For Horses: What To Do Until The Vet Arrives
by: Denning, Jr., Dr. Charles H.
Dr. Charles H. Denning has compiled this comprehensive guide to aid horseowners
throughout the world in recognizing the symptoms of various diseases and
illness peculiar to horses. The symptoms carefully described in each chapter
enable the horseowners in diagnosing certain ailments so that he may obtain
a veterinarian's aid before the situation becomes critical. Includes:
administration of medicine, diseases, injuries, anatomy, & treatments.
A great help for all horseowners. 106 pgs.
A classic that is still in-print.
c. 1969, S/C... $7.00
First Foal
by: Van Lennep, Jane
An experienced stud owner guides the amateur breeder through the entire
process--from the evaluation of the mare and choice of stud to care of
the foal. Covers: Breeding, stages of labor, problems, re-breeding, weaning,
castration, marketing. 112 pgs.
c. 1991, H/C... $34.95
First Steps
by: Van Lennep, Jane
As a sequel to "First Foal", it guides the amateur horse owner
through the vital formative years from weaning to two year old. Includes
the weaning and handling of foals, companionship, stable and pasture management,
feeding, much more. Full-color photographs throughout. 177 pgs.
c. 1995, H/C... $39.95
Fitness in Motion: Keeping Your Equine's Zones at Peak Performance
by: Frick, Ava & Hethcote, Barbara
Combining stretching exercises and massage therapy, pain management specialist
Dr. Ava Frick teaches horse owners to understand muscle tone and overall
equine health. Her new book is divided into chapters focusing on each
part of the horse?s body: The Head, the Neck, the Shoulder and Front Legs,
the Belly and Back, and the Hindquarters and Hind Legs. Each chapter illustrates
specific exercises, with full-color photographs, and also addresses how
to provide exercise therapy to correct specific injuries and ailments.
A holistic approach to horse care, this book also identifies signs of
injury or sickness, advising when to seek medical help. This is the only
guide that includes both stretching and massage therapy, for all horses,
and includes more than 200 color photos. 197 pgs.
c. 2007, Spiral, H/C...$29.95
Fitness In The Horse
by: McBane, Susan
Basic requirement, nutrition, establishing & maintaining condition, illness.
160 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C... $35.00
Fitness, Performance & The Female Equestrian
by: Midkiff, Mary
In praise of Fitness, Performance and the Female Equestrian:
"This book is an important guide for women who want to feel well,
ride well and extend their active years." Chrystine Jones Tauber
former member United States Equestrian Team Grand Prix Jumping Squad.
"Mary Midkiff is a new voice in our evolving cultural freedom, where
insights unique to women in this case, in relation to horses and riding
are welcome and needed." Richard M. Timms, M.D. chairman and CEO,
Troxel Companies.
"This is an exciting approach to an ancient relationship. Mary Midkiff
has done horsewomen an important and useful service in bringing it all
together." Mary Vernon practicing physician and professor of medicine
Lawrence, Kansas.
224 pgs.
c. 1996, H/C... $24.95