Lame Horse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
by: Rooney, Dr. James R.
Discusses many of the well-known types of lameness in the horse, considering
the clinical signs, the cause of those clinical signs, the cause of the
lesion, and what might be done to prevent, and in some instances, treat
that lesion. the locomotor subsystem of the horse is examined in detail.
This system may be defined as a mechanism muscles, bones, joints,
tendons, ligaments subjected to an input, the force of gravity,
and producing an output, movement (or the special case of movement: standing
still) under the control of a regulating system: the central and peripheral
nervous system. Dr. Rooney examines in detail the normal foreleg of the
horse, foreleg lameness, the normal and abnormal rear leg, the vertebral
column, and preventing lameness. Photos & illustrations. 244 pgs.
A classic that is still in-print.
c.1974, S/C... $15.00
Lame Horse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
by: Rooney, Dr. James R.
Discusses many of the well-known types of lameness in the horse, considering
the clinical signs, the cause of those clinical signs, the cause of the
lesion, and what might be done to prevent, and in some instances, treat
that lesion. the locomotor subsystem of the horse is examined in detail.
This system may be defined as a mechanism muscles, bones, joints,
tendons, ligaments subjected to an input, the force of gravity,
and producing an output, movement (or the special case of movement: standing
still) under the control of a regulating system: the central and peripheral
nervous system. Dr. Rooney examines in detail the normal foreleg of the
horse, foreleg lameness, the normal and abnormal rear leg, the vertebral
column, and preventing lameness. Photos & illustrations. 244 pgs.
c.1973, H/C... $19.95
by: Gray, Peter
Dealing with a subject of vital importance to any horse owner, the author
explains all commonly recognized conditions and assists the reader towards
a deeper understanding of the cause, effects, treatment and prevention
of lameness. This book is one of the "Allen Veterinary Handbook"
c. 1994, S/C... $27.95
Locomotion & Lameness (Horse Health & Care Series - No. 8)
by: Jones, William, DVM, Ph D
Contents: Equine locomotion, joint lameness, sprains, dislocations, diseases
of the foot, diseases of the bone, examination of soundness. B/W photos
& illustrations. 126 pgs.
c. 1972, S/C...$12.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Magner's Classic Encyclopedia of the Horse
by: Magner, D.
A reprint of the 1887 edition which was considered to be the "Chilton"
reapir manual of horses. Includes everything about horses, including:
the priciples & secrets of training, history, breeding, personality
of the horse, horsemanship, stabling, shoeing, care & more. Includes
a special 200 page medical section "Diseases & Their Treatment"
- a virtual Gray's Anatomy of the horse with extraordinary detailed anatomical
drawings. Over 950 illustrations. 638 pgs.
c. 2004, H/C...$12.99
Manual Of Equine Reproduction (1st Ed)
by: Blanchard, Terry
Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Textbook for veterinary students
studying clinical reproduction in horses.
c. 1998, S/C... $39.95
Manual of Internal Fixation in the Horse
by: Fackelman-Nunamaker
In this book the authors describe the implements and techniques in use
today for internal fixation in large animals. Pre-and Postoperative care
are covered, as are first aid and patient management. The recommedations
will help veterinarians avoid many of the pitfalls they may encounter
in the course of treatment. The book will be especially useful to those
who have participated in practical ASIF courses, and will encourage them
to continue updating their knowledge of reseach developments in this field.
106 pages.
c. 1982, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Massage For Horses (Threshold Picture Guides #38)
by: Bromiley, Mary
How to apply simple massage techniques to enhance your horses performance.
Color illustrations. 24 pgs.
c.1996, Booklet...$12.95
Natural Methods For Equine Health
by: Bromiley, Mary
Herbalism, homeopathy, massage, & passive stretching, accupuncture, acupress.
182 pgs.
c. 1994, S/C... $29.95
Natural Remedies (Threshold Picture Guides #35)
by: Day, Christopher, MA, VetMB, MRCVS, VetFFHom
A guide to the selection and use of safe remedies for common aliments
such as: allergies, arthritis, back problems, colic, cough, diarrhea,
laminitis, ringworm, saddle sores, and more. Also includes homeopathy,
herbs, essential oils, tissue salts & bach flower remedies. Color illustrations.
24 pgs.
c. 1996, Booklet...$12.95
Naturopathy For Horses
by: Emich, Gerd
Hydrotherapy, kneipp treatment, shiatsu, leeches, cell therapy, laser,
c. 1994, H/C... $39.95
Nutrition & Feeding Of Horses
by: Maloney, Beth
A straight-forward, easy-to-understand explanation of the scientifically
established principles of healthy feeding and nutritional intake for horses
and ponies. 224 pgs.
c. 1977, S/C... $32.95
Poor Richard's Horse Keeper
by: McBane, Susan
Written by a modern day Brit with help from an 18th Century American,
this book provides many time- and work-saving tips aimed at helping horse
owners get their priorities right. A specific list of money saving ideas,
a clear flowchart which tells owners when they don't need to call the
vet and when they must, plus chapters on money management make this book
valuable for every horse owner. It addresses organization of the barn,
making fencing decisions, general care of the horse, and seasonal approaches
to horse husbandry. 208 pgs.
c. 1993, Spiral... $27.95
Practical Guide To Brood Mares
by: Goulder, Alfred
This is a book which will be of value to anyone who wants to breed horses
and ponies, and is essential reading whether breeding from a family pony
or a thoroughbred; written in a sensible and straightforward manner, the
author deals with pasture management, stabling, feeding, conformation,
stallions and covering, in-foal mares, foaling, foaling difficulties,
handling a yearling, and injuries and diseases. With 46 years experience
behind him, the author has encountered most problems which the breeder
will meet, and passes on to the reader the benefit of that knowledge.
Lots of illustrations & B/W photos. 176 ps.
c. 1995, H/C (Regular $29.95)...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good with dust jacket, ex-library,
usual library markings, inside clean & like new
Preventative Medicine & Management For The Horse
by: Cernik, Sheridan
With clear, concise medical explanations & 182 detailed drawings &
photographs, the author equates soundness & disposition to the correct
application of preventative medicine & management practices. Beginning
with a foundation of anatomy & confomation to prepare you for further
discussions of disease & injury, the book follows a step-by-step process
of achieving optimum equine health. Chapters: anatomy & conformation,
equine psychology & vices, let buyer beware, general management, preventative
medicine, diseases of the head & body, pinpointing lameness &
lameness of the legs, problems of the foot, breeding & foaling, emergency
first aid & trailering safety. 234 pgs.
c. 1977, Signed by author, H/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good with dust jacket, inside
pages excellent, dust jacket good-fair with small tears, water damage
stains on back of dust jacket, signed by author
Preventative Medicine & Management For The Horse
by: Cernik, Sheridan
With clear, concise medical explanations & 182 detailed drawings &
photographs, the author equates soundness & disposition to the correct
application of preventative medicine & management practices. Beginning
with a foundation of anatomy & confomation to prepare you for further
discussions of disease & injury, the book follows a step-by-step process
of achieving optimum equine health. Chapters: anatomy & conformation,
equine psychology & vices, let buyer beware, general management, preventative
medicine, diseases of the head & body, pinpointing lameness &
lameness of the legs, problems of the foot, breeding & foaling, emergency
first aid & trailering safety. 234 pgs.
c. 1977, H/C...$12.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Problems In Equine Medicine
by: Brown, Christopher M.
This text/reference covers widely seen symptoms, among them: chronic weight
loss, acute abdominal pain, labored breathing, anemia, poor athletic performance,
heart murmurs. 19 chapters with suggested supplemental reading at the
end of each chapter. 302 pgs.
c. 1989, H/C...$39.50
Respiratory Disease
by: Gray, Peter
Causes & effects of diseases of infection or result of allergies. 160
c. 1994, S/C... $27.95