Observer's Book Of Zoo Animals
by: Hatley, Jan
Pocket size idententification & information book describing 144 animals
commonly found in zoological gardens, with info on appearance, habitat,
food, & breeding. 130 B/W & 16 color photos. 194 pgs.
c. 1972, H/C...$12.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Official World Wildlife Fund Guide To Extinct Species Of Modern Times
Describes 211 species that are believed to have become extinct since 1570
& discusses their probable causes of extinction. Covers: Birds of
the Pacicifc Islands & North America; Plants of the Hawaiian Islands;
Fishes of North America; Mammals of North & South Africa; & Mammals
of North America & the Atlantic Islands. Range maps, color plates,
line drawings. Includes a gloassary. 410 pgs.
c. 1997, H/C, (Regular Price $65.00)...$27.50
Condition: Very good, ex-library, like new
except usual library markings
On Safari
A guide with simple yet useful and curious aspects of behavior of the animals
and birds found in Kenya. Also includes African stories of the animals taken
from the traditional culture of several tribes of Kenya and of Africa. Color
photos. 61 pgs.
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Outdoor Life's Gallery Of North American Game
by: Outdoor Life
A brillant collection of paintings by Francis Lee Jaques, foremost artist
of the outdoors, with descriptive text by distinguished authorities on
wildlife. Color painting & B/W illustrations. Coffee-table size 142
c. 1956, Third printing 1958, Oversize, H/C...$35.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Good, no dust jacket, some water
stains on bottom inside of all pages, staining does not affect color paintings
Peterson Field Guide To The Mammals Of North America North Of Mexico
by: Reid, Fiano A.
Identification & information guide of all the mammals in North America
north of Mexico, including those that live near-shore waters. The only
guide to include paintings & photos of the animals as well as photographs
of mammals skulls, it has 80 color plates, plus 46 additional color illustrations
& B/W drawings, nearly 400 range maps, & more than 100 color photos.
579 pgs.
c. 2006, 4th Ed, S/C...$20.00
Peterson First Guide To Mammals
by: Alden, Peter
Simplified field guide to the common mammals of North America. Features:
all the most common & conspicuous mammals of North America; full-color
illustrations & clear concise descriptions of each mammal; and uses
the Peterson Identification System, which uses arrows on the illustrations
& italics in the descriptions to show you exactly what to look for.
Color illustrations. 128 pgs.
c. 1987, S/C...$4.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Pocket Guide To Mammals Of North America
by: Burton, John
A guide to the more common mammals native to the USA and Canada, from
the jack rabbit to the California sea lion. Colour illustrations highlight
key characteristics and the text summarizes range, habitat, food and breeding
biology. The book also includes a listing of all known species. 192 pgs.
Pocket Guide to Wild Life of Britain & Europe
by: Harris, Jeanette
When you spot a strange insect in the garden, glimpse a bird flying above,
or an unknown flower by the roadside, this pocketguide will help you identify
what you have seen. Covers over 700 species of: mammals, birds, amphibians
& reptiles, fishes, insects & other invertrebrates, shells &
other seashore creatures, trees, wild flowers, & mushrooms & toadstools.
Detailed color illustartions. 192 pgs.
c. 1981, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good
Rare Animals Of The World
by: Salvadori, Francesco
Covers 129 extant animals and a further 13 extinct animal species from
all of the geographical regions including Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia,
the Americas and the oceans are covered. Each animal is explained under
the topics of description, geographic distribution, habitat and population.
An illustration follows each explanation. The language is simple but still
provides an informative account of each species. Among the animals covered
are: tiger, panda, leopard, wolf, black rhinoceros, blue whale, walrus,
orang-utan and komodo dragon, along with lesser known creatures such as
the Cuban solenodon, Indri, olm, maned wolf, yellow-footed rock wallaby,
pygmy hippopotamus and numbat. It focuses on not only mammals but also
reptiles, birds and amphibians. 192 pgs.
c. 1990, H/C...$45.00
Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Rocky Mountain Mammals
by: Armstrong, David
Handbook of mammals of Rocky Mountain National Park and vicinity. B/W &
color photos. 223 pgs.
c. 1987, S/C...$9.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Safari Companion: A Guide To Watching African
by: Estes, Richard
A field guide that will enable safari-goers to recognize & understand
interesting behavioral displays, such as courtship rituals, territorial
marking, aggression, & care of young. Each account of over 80 species
includes a detailed behavioral table in which uniqu actions of the hoofed
mammals, carnivores, & primates are described, illustrated & interpreted
for easy reference. Maps show all major vegetation zones, countries &
game park covered by the guide. Also includes a glossary, tips on photography,
a list of organizations working to protect African wildlife & advice
on where & when to see the animals. B/W illustrations. 463 pgs.
c. 1992, S/C...$25.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Like New
Safari Companion: A Guide To Watching African
by: Estes, Richard
A field guide that will enable safari-goers to recognize & understand
interesting behavioral displays, such as courtship rituals, territorial
marking, aggression, & care of young. Each account of over 80 species
includes a detailed behavioral table in which uniqu actions of the hoofed
mammals, carnivores, & primates are described, illustrated & interpreted
for easy reference. Maps show all major vegetation zones, countries &
game park covered by the guide. Also includes a glossary, tips on photography,
a list of organizations working to protect African wildlife & advice
on where & when to see the animals. B/W illustrations. 463 pgs.
c. 1992, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Very Good, ex-library, usual
library markings
Skulls & Bones:A Guide To The Skeletal Structures And Behavior Of
North American Mammals
by: Searfoss, Glenn
How to identify mammal bones and comprehend what the structures indicate
about each animal's lifestyle. An informative guide providing a practical
introduction to taxonomy and classification systems followed by separate
sections covering skeletal features and a section on bone collecting,
preparation, and cleaning. Includes glossary, resource lists, and b&w
illustrations. 277 pgs.
Southern Africa's Mammals - A Field Guide
by: Frandsen, Robin
A superb ultra quick and easy identification guide, plus all the interesting
facts that make game viewing so exciting. Color photos, distribution maps
and foot prints highlight this manual. Also included are maps showing
locations of game reserves and national parks. 238 pages.
c. 1992, S/C...$22.50
Sportsman's Guide To Game Animals
by: Lee Rue III, Leonard
A field book to North American species of game animals. It describes in
exhaustive detail the behavior in the wilds of all North American game
animals - how they obtain thier food, make their homes, cope with enemies
and weather, communicate with their kind, breed, care for their young,
and much much more. REach chapter contains convenient subheadings which
permit quick and easy reference to every aspect of an animals's behavior.
Range maps, B/W Photos. 655 pgs.
c. 1968, H/C...$15.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Suburban Wildlife
by: Headstrom, Richard C.
An introduction to the common animals of your back yard and local park.
c. 1984, S/C...$8.95
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Sunbird Essential Illustrated Wildlife Guide to Southern Africa
by: Bristow, David
This completely revised and easy-to-use guide features detailed descriptions
and clear color illustrations of more than 600 of the most common southern
African wildlife species that you are likely to encounter. Along with
a distribution map, each description includes the scientific as well as
common name, size, color, habitat, similar species, and status of the
species, as well as alternative names and African names (Afrikaans, Sotho,
Tsonga, Shangaan, Xhosa and Zulu) where appropriate. This edition also
includes information on: ¦ How to understand animal behavior ¦
How to photograph wildlife ¦ Creatures that are dangerous to humans.
Groups of animals featured include: ¦ Mammals ¦ Birds ¦
Reptiles ¦ Fishes ¦ Amphibians ¦ Insects ¦
Other invertebrates. Color illustrations. Range maps. 368 pgs
c. 2010, 3rd Ed, S/C... $35.00
Systematic Dictionary Of Mammals Of The World
by: Burton, Maurice
Practicaly all the world's mammals are described in detail, many illustrated
in precise beautiful drawings. The following essential information is
included for nearly every family or species: general characteristics,
habits, habitat, food & feeding habits, breeding, gestation, number of
offspring, care of young, present status (commonness or rarity), range,
longevity, and other physical facts when known. Complete with an exhaustive
index making facts on each species easily accessible. 307 pgs.
c. 1962, 1st Ed, H/C...$65.00
c. 1965, 2nd Ed, H/C...$65.00
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Thorburn's Mammals
Reprint of 1920 original, color pictures and text on 90 mammals
c. 1974, H/C...$17.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Trees (Smithsonian Handbooks)
by: Coombes, Allen
Identification & information guide packed with over 1500 crystal-clear
photos with precise annotation to make identification sure & simple.
Concise & jargon-free text pinpoints the key characteristics of each
species & provides quick, accessible information such as: the differnece
betwenn conifers, broadleaves, & palms, it identifies each genus by
leaf types & guides you to the correct species entry. A concise glossary
defines scientific terms. 320 pgs.
c. 2002, 2nd ed, S/C...$20.00
Unique Animals & Birds Of Australia
by: Morcombe, Micheal
Brilliant full color photos and text describing the numbat, bandicoot, wombat,
tasmanian devil, tiger cat and other carnivores, platypus, spiny anteater,
and birds. 80 pgs.
c. 1973, H/C...$22.50
Used, Out-Of-Print, Quantities Limited
Condition: Fair
Variation Of Animals & Plants Under Domestication (Vol. 1)
by: Darwin, Charles
Analysis of various aspects of plant & animal life, including an inventory
of varieties & their physical and behavioral characteristics. Covers:
dogs and cats, horses and asses, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigeons,
fowls, duck, goose, turkey, guinea fowl, goldfish, bees, ceral and culinary
plants, friuts, ornamental trees, flowers, bud viriation, inheritance.
Originally published in 1868. 473 pgs.
Orginally published 1868
c. 1998, S/C...$14.95